
Unit 4 What's wrong with you ? Lesson 23 课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:5665838Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 23 You should: a few days later How is Kate feeling? She feels good bad much better chocolate chocolates Kate feels happy. Why? Kate is ill . Her classmates come to see her . They bring her a lot of things . They want to help her with her lessons . Peter : ? Kate : I feel much better. Kate’s classmates bring her a lot of things . What are they? Peter : ? Kate : I feel much better. Peter : How are you feeling? Kate : I feel much better. Kate’s classmates bring her a lot of things . What are they? Peter : How are you feeling today? Kate: I feel _____ Gao wei : here are some for you. Li yan :I have some for you. Lisa : look, here’s a for you Kate : Thank you . If(如果) your friend is ill. What will you bring her/him. I have ...for… Here is a...for… Here are some...for… Kate is worried about(担心) her lessons. What will her classmates help with? Gao wei Bob Li yan Chinese maths science English PE music …will help …with… Let’s repeat. Let’s make a new dialogue. Homework Design(设计) a get-well card for your sick friend.

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