
Unit 5 It this your schoolbag Lesson 25-26 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:100次 大小:10590834Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人民教育-出卷网-精通版五年级下册 Unit5 I am cleaning my room. lesson25、26 人民教育-出卷网-精通版五年级下册 What are you doing now? I am washing now. What are you doing now? I am cleaning now. What are you doing now? I am writing now. Heiheihei Hahaha hahaha! Chant The new story of Cinderella (灰姑娘新传) wash the clothes She is washing the clothes. clean the room 扫地机器人 She is cleaning the room. The new story of Cinderella (灰姑娘新传) Cinderella gone to the party and the Prince wanted marry her. 并且王子想娶灰姑娘为王妃。 The new story of Cinderella (灰姑娘新传) After the party, Cinderella left so hurry that she lost her crystal shoes.舞会结束,灰姑娘匆忙离开时丢了她的水晶鞋 。 The new story of Cinderella (灰姑娘新传) Where is Cinderella? make a call I am making a call. write an email I am writing an email. washing washing cuo cuo cuo cleaning cleaning ca ca ca making making do do do writing writing shua shua shua Chant one! two! three! wooden child! Game 游戏规则: 1、选择屏幕上的短语边走边做动作。 2、在口令没有停止之前不能停下。 3、口令停止,保持你所做的动作不变 4、与离你最近的小伙伴进行对话 4、我们的口令的是one! two! three! wooden child! make a call clean the room write an email wash the clothes watch TV read books What is she/he doing? She is washing the clothes. Game What are you doing? I am making a call. 认识现在进行时态 The new story of Cinderella (灰姑娘新传) The prince found Cinderella and they lived a happy life. 最终,王子找到了灰姑娘,他们一起过着幸福的生活。 Let`s learn the text. 1、What is Dad doing? 2、What is Mum doing? 3、What is Lily doing? He is writing an email. She is washing the clothes. She is cleaning the room. Labor of love! 热爱劳动 Be grateful to our parents! 感恩父母 画出课文中的“现在进行时态” 句子读一读。 It is Saturday morning. Lily is calling her grandpa at home. Lily: Hello! This is Lily speaking. Can I speaking to Grandpa? Aunt: Yes,Hold on, please. Grandpa: Hi, Lily. This is Grandpa speaking. Are you coming here with your parent this morning? Lily: Sorry, Grandpa.We`re all very busy today.Dad is writing an email on the computer. Mum is washing the clothes. Grandpa: Oh,dear!And what are you doing,Lily? Lily: I`m cleaning my room. Grandpa: You`re a good girl. Let`s learn the text. Filling the blanks 1、Lily _____ (am is are)calling her grandpa at home. 3、Dad is _____ (write writing)an email on the computer. 5、What _____ (am is are)you doing,Lily? 6、I_____(am is are)cleaning my room. is writing are am 1、Read the text 2、 Finish the activity book. 3、Try to make sentences use present progressive(现在进行时态). Homework

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