
Unit 3 Lesson 16 Li Ming's Summer Holiday. 课件+素材(22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:25次 大小:8336652Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer? Lesson16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday 学习要点 同学们在本节课结束时能够做到: 1 、能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:visit; 2、能听懂、会说并在对话中灵活运用句型: What will you do for the summer holiday? 3、能结合真实生活情境用一般将来时态描述自己的生活。能通过询问对方的假期生活体验并享受生活中美好的事物。 Why What will Jenny do for the summer holiday Why I will miss Canada, but I will feel happy to see China again. Danny and I will miss you, too. We will call you! When? How? Why? on June 25 fly home (by plane) for the summer holiday What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday in China? He will … He will say hello to his mother and father. What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday in China? He will … He will visit his aunt and uncle. He will play with his cousin, Jing. What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday in China? He will … He will meet his friends and play ping-pong with them. What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday in China? on June 25. He will say hello to his mother and father. He will meet his friends. He will play ping-pong with them. He will visit his aunt and uncle. He will play with his cousin, Jing. What will I do this summer? Can you guess? I will fly to Sanya with my family. I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will meet my friends. What about you? What will you do for the summer holiday? I will … fly a kite in the park visit my family go on a trip read books play basketball play football go fishing go swimming do your homework Share your summertime with your friends . You can write something about your summer holiday. Homework

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