
译林高中英语模块三Unit 1 The world of our senses welcome&reading导学案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:14次 大小:25763Byte 来源:二一课件通
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M3U1 Welcome&Reading1导学案 【学习目标】 By the end of this lesson, students are expected to realize how they and other people use their senses via reading and thinking; comprehend a story better via recognizing the six elements; grasp some tips of understanding the characters’ feelings and predicting the ending. 【要点梳理】 Step 1. Five senses watch a video and complete a table related to five senses; read a passage about a great composer who lost his sense of hearing; a discussion about the reasons why people are misled by their sense of sight. Step 2. Reading the story - fog read for gist read for detail (+further thinking) understand mixed feelings recognize six elements Step 3. Application read for five senses read for mixed feelings read for six elements add an ending to the story 【典型例题】 Five senses (read the article about the story of Beethoven’s life on P94) Q1. Why was Beethoven so famous? Q2. Who was Beethoven's first teacher? Q3. Why did Beethoven travel to Vienna at the age of 17? Q4. How did Beethoven become known as the best piano player in Vienna? Q5. What is truly amazing about Beethoven? Reading a story Read for gist This story is about _____ experience on a _____ afternoon. Read for detail Q1. Why did Polly leave work early? Q2. What did the bus conductor say to Polly? Q3. What happened to Polly on the train? Q4. What was the weather like outside the station? Q5. Why did Polly feel her heart beating with fear? Further thinking 1: Do you think the man whose hand brushed Polly's cheek was a bad guy? WHY or WHY NOT? The writer mentioned these details in order to show that _____. Polly was in danger B. Polly was too nervous C. they wanted to help her D. they were hiding some secrets Q6. What did the stranger look like? Further thinking 2: What can you infer from the following details? (L37) He took Polly's hand. “Watch out for the step here.” (L43) “Now we are at the crossroads. Turn left there.” (L33) In his other hand the man carried a stick. Polly heard it hit the step. (L40) “I can't see your face, but you sound young.” Q7. Why did the old man help Polly? Further thinking 3: ① What did Polly mean by saying “Are you sure you know the way”? A. She didn't know where she lived and hoped the old man could help her find it out. B. She couldn't find her way, so she couldn't tell the old man how to get to her home. C. She worried that the old man would bring her somewhere else instead of her home. D. She worried that the old man would get lost like her. ② Why did the old man keep chatting with Polly? A. To ease her anxiety and fear. B. To know about her privacy. C. To show he was a good person. D. To make friends with her. Read for feelings(locate the information that show the character’s feelings) fearful/frightened/anxious relieved/grateful Reading strategy What are the six elements? 【巩固练习】 I was at the North Pole. I was wearing a warm coat, a cotton hat, thick gloves and heavy boots. However, I still felt my ... ...

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