
Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these Period 2 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:91次 大小:2215360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Period 2Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these?Have funLet’s go to the farm!What can you see? I can see…three pigsthree horsesthree micetwo rabbitsthree dogstwo monkeysLook at that pig. It’s .fatLook at that monkey. It’s . thinLook at that elephant. It’s . Look at that giraffe. It’s . shorttalltail 尾巴It has a head. It has a tail.tail 尾巴Look at this… It has···!longshortLook at this··· It’s ···smallbig1.She has long hair(头发).Which one is right? (根据句子判断哪个图片正确?)AB2. It has a small body.ABWhich one is right? (根据句子判断哪个图片正确?)3.It has a short neck(脖子).ABWhich one is right? (根据句子判断哪个图片正确?)2.It has a tail.4.He has a head.3.He has a head.longbigsmall1.It has legs(腿).shortIf you give them a little love. 如果你给它们一点点爱。They will love you forever! 它们就会永远爱你!Guessing gameThey have long legs, long tails and long faces.They have four legs, long tails and small eyes.Thank You.

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