
Module 2 Unit 1 When are we going to eat? 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:4753408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) When are we going to eat? words later 后来,以后 to go 剩余 dry 干的 like 像......一样 stay 保持 cloud 云 pond 水池 duck 鸭子 look like 看起来像 ? Look, listen and say. later ... 后来 ...... I'm hungry. When are we going to eat, Mum? 我饿了。我们什么时候吃饭,妈妈? At half past twelve. 十二点半。 What time is it now? 现在几点了? It's only half past eleven. One hour to go! Look, there are some ducks on the pond. 现在才十一点半。还有一个小时!看,池塘里有一些鸭子。 它们好可爱。 I don't think so. It's a beautiful day. Let's go! 嘿,天上有些乌云。很快就要下雨了。 Hey, there are some dark clouds in the sky. It's going to rain soon. 我不这么认为。天气多好啊。让我们出发吧! They're lovely. 12点半了。开始我们的野餐吧! It's dry over there. Run, boys! 噢,天呐!下雨了。 Oh dear! It's raining now! 那边比较干。快跑,孩子们! It's half past twelve. Let's have our picnic! 哦不,看这些鸭子!它们在吃我们的三明治。 It looks like you're going to stay hungry, Simon! Naughty ducks! Oh on, look at the ducks! They're eating our sandwiches! 淘气的鸭子! 看起来你要继续饿肚子了,西蒙! I'm going to get up and have breakfast. Breakfast? It's half past eleven. You are going to have lunch. 我要起床吃早饭了。 早餐。 已经十一点半了。 你要去吃午饭啦。 What time is it? It is ... 询问时间: ?整点:o'clock It is two o'clock. It is seven o'clock. What time is it? It is ... 询问时间: ②非整点:...past... 几点过几分 It is half past eight. It is ten past ten. It is fifteen past ten. It is a quarter past ten. What time is it? It is ... 询问时间: ③非整点:... to... 距整点差 It is fifteen to ten . It is ten to two. 一般将来时 be going to 更加强调按计划或要发生的动作;有准备打算的意思。 人/物 + be going to will +动词 基本结构: I am going to go to school. I will go to school. 例句: 我将要去上学。 表示将要发生的动作或状态。 与天气有关的单词 cloud 云,云彩 rain 雨 wind 风 snow 雪 sun 太阳 cloudy 多云的 rainy 多雨的 windy 多风的 snowy 多雪的 sunny 晴朗的 When are we going to eat, Mum? when 什么时候 (特殊疑问词) 问:When be going to + 动词? 什么时候将要去做某事? 答:主 be going to... at + 时间。 问:When be going to + 动词? 答:主 be going to... at + 时间。 答:I'm going toget up at seven o'clock. 问:When are you going to get up? ? One hour to go! 时间 + to go : 剩余多长时间 ? look like 看起来像 like : 像......一样(形容词) 不能单独使用,与动词连用 相似短语 be like 相似 sound like 听起来像

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