
Unit 1 Welcome to my new home! Lesson 5 课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:73次 大小:2181494Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。Unit 1 Welcome to my homeLesson 5bedroomkitchenliving roomstudyWhat’s in the bedroom?There is a bed.What’s in the kitchen?There is a fridge.What’s in the study?There is a picture.bathroomWhat’s in the living room?computerWhat’s in the living room?What’s in the living room?1、There’s a new DVD player.DVD playerThere is a DVD player.What’s in the living room?1、There’s a new DVD player.2、There’s a big clock.clockcomputerclockWhat’s in the living room.There is a DVD player.This is the living room. That’s the bathroom.What’s in the living room? Come and see.Oh, there’s a new DVD player.And there’s a big clock.①②③④⑤Do you describe your room?Fill in the black.1、c___o____k2、c___m____u____er3、s___ud____4、h____ ____e lcopttyomMath the words and the picture.computerclockbathroom1、In room living the what’s ?2、DVD player a there is .What’s in the living room?There is a DVD player.Make sentences in order.What have you learned today?

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