
人教版(PEP)五年级下册 Recycle 2 课件(无音频 29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:3068297Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。人教·五年级(下册)英 语Recycle 21.能够口、笔头描述人与动物正在做的事情。 2.能够口、笔头询问与证实某件事是否在进行。 3.能够在实际的情境中运用本阶段所学的语言知识进行交谈。 4.掌握Unit4~6四会动词、句型与动作短语及其ing 形式。 5.能够理解其他相关部分的内容,完成各部分的任务。学习目标RevisioneatdrinkplayjumpclimbsleepeatingplayingdrinkingjumpingclimbingsleepingRevisionT:What are they/you doing ? S:They are listening to music/...T:When is your birthday? S:It's on April 4th/May 1st...T:Whose pen is that? S:It's mine/his...RevisionRevisionMike's summer campMike is at summer camp.What will he do? Listen and match.Listen to dialogue 2 and tick the right picture. What are the children doing?Listen to dialogue 1 ahd 4. Choose theright answers.1.When is the sports day? It is in_____. A.June B.July C.August2.Mike's mum:Be a good boy._____. A.Work quietly B.Keep your room clean C.Talk quietly1.(电话铃声响起) Mike: Hi, Mum. Mum: Hi. How is your Summer camp? Mike: Fine. Today, we had an art class. Mum: Good. Mike: On August 1st we'll have a sports day. 2.Mum:What are you doing now? Mike: We're listening to music. We'll have lunch. Mum: I see. What's for lunch? Mike: Potatoes and rice. 听力原文3. Mum: What else will you do at camp? Mike: On the 6th we'll have a trip to the forest. Mum: That sounds fun. Mike: And on the 11th, we'll have a party. Mum: Great!4. Mum: OK. Mike. Be a good boy! Keep your room clean. Mike: I will. Mum: See you at home on August 12th. Mike: OK. Bye-bye. I love you, Mum. Mum: Love you, too.Where are you? What are you doing?I'm in Jilin now. I'm playing in the snow.Which season is it?Winter. It is my favourite season.playingjumpingrunningZip and Zoom are going to visit you.They are preparing many gifts for you and your friends.Choose and tell your partner whose things they are.our/ours their/theirs his/his her/hers my/mine your/yoursT: Pandas,pandas and pandas.Tell me when Children's day comes.S1: It's on June 1st.(问S2)Monkeys,monkeys and monkeys. Tell me when ...comes.S2: It's on...(问S3)Bears,bears and bears.Tell me when ...comes.S3: It's on...(继续问教师)Where is the monkey going on Thursday? He's swimming in the park in the south. What is the monkey doing on his birthday? I think he's playing and drinking with his friends.Read the sentences.Find “Friends”for the words in this table. Thursdaysouthbirthdaythinkwherewhatthinkdrinkinggoingdoingswimmingplayingdrinking ( )1.A.their B.thin C.third ( )2.A.where B.who C.white ( )3.A.whose B.which C.why ( )4.A.song B.drink C.longABAB谁发音与众不同?1.He often _____(read)books on the weekend. 2.Look,this book is _____(I). 3.We're in the library._____(talk)quietly! 4.The_____(one)month in a year is January.readsmineTalkfirst用所给单词的正确形式填空。 ( )1.Today is my _____birthday. A.mother B.mother's C.mothers' ( )2._____shirt is this? A.What B.Where C.Whose ( )3.—When's Children's Day? —It's on _____. A.Oct.1st B.Jun.1st C.Jun.2ndBCB单项选择1.We are e ... ...

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