
Module 3 Unit 8 Reading signs Period 3 课件(17张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:10638648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。10Period 3Module 3 Things we do 8 Reading signsEnjoy a storyListen and answer1 Where did Jack and Jane go ? 2 Were they happy in the forest? They went into the forest. Yes, they were. 3 Did they find the way back home? How?Yes, they did. Jack dropped some stones on the ground and they followed the stones back home. Think and say1 Why did Jack and Jane go into the forest? 2 What did they see? How did they feel? Think and sayWhat would Jack and Jane’s father say to the children when he saw them? Discuss with your partners and make up a dialogue between them. I'm home,dad.We went to the forest.We can find the way.where did you go? Don't make me worry about you!Read aloudacabRead and order( )Jack and Jane lived by the forest.( ) Jack and Jane went into the forest.( )They saw beautiful flowers and interesting insects.( )After some time, they felt hungry and tired.( )Jane looked around. She could not find her way.( )Jack and Jane followed the stones back home.( )Their father was very happy to see them.1234567Say and actIf you were Jack and Jane, would you go there? Why or why not?Think and sayIf you lost your way in the forest, what would you do?What do you learn from the story? a. Think twice before you act. b. Get well prepared before you do something. The story “The path of stones” is adapted from the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel”(汉斯和格莱特). It is from the Grimm’s fairy story(格林童话) wrote by the Grimm brother. More to learn1.Try to tell the story in English . 2.Read the story “Hansel and Gretel”. 3.Watch the move of the same name Hansel and Gretel (又名《丛林历险记》. Homework

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