
Module 4 Unit 1 Let’s make a home library 课件(34张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:15次 大小:15290163Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件34张PPT。Unit 1 Let’s make a home library.Module 4Let's chantArt, science and PE, We have it everyday. Which is the best? Let's have a reading day. What do Lingling, Amy and Sam have?Look, listen and say.This is a _____. studentDo you have any books in your home?GuessWhat are they doing?(单击图片可播放动画)Listen, read and act out.They are _____.making a home libraryWhat are they doing?librarylibraryThis is a school _____.This is the school _____ of my university(大学).libraryThis is a home _____.libraryThis is the city _____ of Shouguang.librarylibrary cardThey put the books on the _____.shelfWhere do they put the books?shelfThis is a book _____.(单击图片可播放动画)Listen again and answer questions.True or FalseMs Smart bought some books and CDs. The big books are heavy. They are dictionaries. The books about sports are on shelf C. The books about art are on shelf C. The books on shelf B are about animals. FTTFFheavyGamesLet's make a home library. That's a good idea. These are all books about science. Let's put them on this shelf. They're heavy. Now we can ask them to come.Practise.不要眨眼!Game1234Listen and repeat.Show the text in rolesShow the text in rolesLet's make a card. Let's make a card. These are books on shelf A. Put them here. Put them there. I can't find them. Where are the book? Sing a songchicken soup for heart1) Reading a lot makes you a rich man. 2) Books are the food for the hungry of great mind. Chicken soup for heartIt’s time for class. Their bags are old. They study hard.Design a bag 1.邀请朋友到家里做客,向朋友们介绍自己书架上书的摆放。 2.用询问某类物品在哪里的句型: Where are …? They are on/in…进行问答。 3. 熟读课文。Homework(3选2)

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