
Unit 11 Review 2 单元练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:64次 大小:353585Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版英语六年级下册【章节训练】Unit 11 Review 2 一.选择题 1.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 sidew___ ___k (人行道)(  ) A.pr B.al C.ao 2.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 f___ ___e (火)(  ) A.er B.or C.ir 3.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 cl___mb (爬)(  ) A.a B.i C.e 4.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 d___ ___gerous (危险的)(  ) A.on B.en C.an 5.选出划线部分的正确汉语意思 I'm lighting firecrackers.(  ) A.点燃 B.灯 C.光 6.选出划线部分的正确汉语意思 That water is hot!(  ) A.冷的 B.冰的 C.热的 7.选出划线部分的正确汉语意思 My arm hurts.(  ) A.腿 B.胳膊 C.手 8.给下列行为选择正确选项 A girl is riding a bike and talking on the phone.(  ) A.safe B.dangerous 9.The turtle _____ hurt.(  ) A.am B.is C.are 10.给下列行为选择正确选项 A young man is waiting for the green light.(  ) A.safe B.dangerous 11.给下列行为选择正确选项 Some boys are swimming in the lake.(  ) A.safe B.dangerous 12.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 u___e (使用)(  ) A.s B.z C.i 13.给下列单词选择正确的字母组合 s___fe (安全的)(  ) A.e B.a C.i 14.Put _____ in my purse.(  ) A.he B.him C.his 15.Please take it _____ the nurse.(  ) A.to B.in C.on 二.填空题 1.给下列图片中的行为分类 (1)Safe:    (2)Dangerous:    三、判断 Monkey: Look out! A bike is coming! Small Bear: My leg is hurt. I can't walk. Monkey: Are you OK? Rabbit: Call 120. Small Bear: Oh! I am having a bad day. Miss Fox: We are taking you to the hospital. Doctor: You have a broken leg. Please use the sidewalk next time. Mother: Because be careful, Small Bear. Small Bear: Oh! Oh! I am having a bad day! 1.Small Bear hurts his leg.    2.Small Bear runs down the stairs and hurts his leg.    3.Small Bear uses the sidewalk.    4.An ambulance (救护车) takes Small Bear to the hospital.  5.判断图片中的行为是(√)否(×)妥当    6.判断图片中的行为是(√)否(×)妥当    7.判断图片中的行为是(√)否(×)妥当    8.判断图片中的行为是(√)否(×)妥当    四、按要求做题 1.连词成句 (1)green, light, is, The (.)     (2)use, side, walk, Please, the (.)     (3)in, football, the, play, play, ground, Please (.)     2.句型转换 (1)We take you to the hospital. (改为现在进行时)     (2)I can walk. (改为否定句)     (3)Run down the stair. (改为否定句)     (4)I have a bad day! (改为现在进行时)     参考答案 一. 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 二、1. 【解答】本题考查类别分类. (1)BF.安全的行为包括:B.红灯停;F.绿灯行.故选:BF. (2)ACDE.危险的行为包括:A.玩火;C.爬窗;D.在马路上嬉戏打闹;E.爬树.故选:ACDE. 三、【解答】1.细节理解题.根据文中"Small Bear: My leg is hurt. I can't walk."可知小熊的腿受伤了,故为√. 2.细节理解题.根据题干"Small Bear runs down the stairs and hurts his leg.小熊从楼梯往下跑时伤了它的腿.",文中没有提及小熊在哪里受的伤.故为×. 3.细节理解题.根据文中" You have a broken leg. Please ... ...

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