
Unit 1 What are you looking for? Lesson 2 教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:59次 大小:17111Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 2 【第一课时】 【教学目标】 知识与技能目标: 1.会使用本课的四会新词worried, worry, purple, desk, whose, wide,会认读pencil case, borrow your pen, doing my math homework 2.会使用I’m looking for my pencil case. Whose pencil case is it? My pencil case is wider.的句式,进行简单的对话交流。 3.能正确地朗读课文,表演对话. 4.在学习课文的基础上,根据情景, 掌握在对物品描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面进行准确地表达。 过程与方法目标: 1.利用语音、实物帮助学生学习单词、短语。 2.通过听力策略中的预测、监控、澄清的方式理解课文相关内容。 3.通过大量的语言操练,学生在描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面对物品进行熟练、准确的表达。 4.通过创编对话的方法,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 情感态度价值观目标: 培养能够关爱他人,助人为乐的好品质。 【教学重难点】 重点: 能在寻物的情境下就寻找物品I’m looking for ... Whose pencil case is it? 和描述物体特征My pencil case is wider.的话题灵活地进行问答 难点: 学生在对物品描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面(It’s black and purple. My pencil case is wider.)进行准确地表达。 【教学准备】 电子课本、单词卡、录音机、实物、简笔画、ppt.等 【教学过程】 Warming up 活动一:What am I drawing? 猜猜我在画什么? 活动目标:利用自由简笔画为载体,复习旧知,激活学生描述物品形状的单词,使学生明确本节课要学习的内容。 实施方法和师生预设语言: 1.教师在黑板上画图,一次画一笔,让学生猜猜老师在画什么 T: Look! I’m drawing something on the blackboard.What am I drawing? S: You are drawing a rectangle. 2.教师再在图形上继续画线条 T: Yes, you’re right. But I don’t want to draw a rectangle only. I’m drawing something else on the rectangle. What is it? What am I going to draw? S: Are you going to draw a box? 3.教师继续画简笔画 T: Am I going to draw a box? Look carefully. I’m adding something more. S: Oh, I know. Are you going to draw a pencil case? T: Yes, a pencil case. I’m drawing a pencil case. What shape is it? S: It’s a rectangle. T: Yes, it’s a rectangle. It’s a rectangular pencil case. S: Learn to read “a rectangular pencil case”. 提示:pencil case的正确书写 设计意图:猜谜游戏往往能激发学生的学习兴趣,也能很好地把已学的旧知识和新知识结合在一起,不仅温故而知新,还能自然地引出新的知识点。 Presentation and practice 活动二:Listen and say学习课文对话 活动目标:教师将通过听录音前的预测、推测、通过回答有关课文问题等帮助学生理解对话。 实施方法和师生预设语言:听录音前的预测、推测、通过回答有关课文问题等理解对话 1.Look and say:(出示电子课本相关图片) T: Look at the picture of Lesson 1.What did Sara lose in the morning? (She lost her water bottle.) Look at the picture of Lesson 2.Where are they? 2.Listen and answer出示以下问题,指名尝试回答 1) What did Sara lose in the afternoon? 2) What is Sara looking for? 3) What color is it? 4) What’s on the teacher’s desk? Is the pencil case Sara’s? T: Before listening, please read some questions: S: Try to answer the questions. 3.T: Please listen and read after the tape. S: Read the dialogue for 5 times. 4.T: Can you read the words: w ... ...

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