
Unit 7 The mountain bike race 同步练习(含参考答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:96次 大小:16384Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 The mountain bike race Lesson 2 同步练习 一、单项选择。 1. Your sister is a quick learner. She learns _____. A. quick B. quickly C. slow 2. Matt is a fast rider. He rides _____. A. quick B. slow C. fast 3.—I’m not a _____monkey, am I? –No, you aren’t. A. bad B. badly C. ill 4. When you are more than _____you can be a worker in factories. A.18 years old B.18old year C.18 year olds 5. Before you swim, you should _____. A.do homework B. do warm –up exercise C. wear sports shoes 二、根据括号提示完成本段内容。 Charlie invited Matt to _____(entry) a mountain bike race in the _____(neighbor).Before the race, they _____(arrive) early to check their bikes. The race _____(be about to) start. Their friends were there to_____(看比赛) and _____(为…加油)them. Charlie was going to _____(赢).But there was something wrong with Matt. His ankle hurt. 三、翻译下列短语。 自行车越野赛_____ 在附近_____ 邀请某人做某事_____ 邀请某人去某地_____ 决定加入_____ 决定不做某事_____ 四、简答题。 简述形容词变副词的规则,并举例说明。 参考答案 BCAAB Enter neighborhood arrived was about to watch the race cheered up win 1.mountain bike race 2.in the neighborhood 3. invite sb.to do sth. 4.invite sb. to someplace 5. decide to enter 6.decide not to do sth. 四、略

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