
Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 12 教案

日期:2024-05-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:54次 大小:7731Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 There is a park near my home. 一、教材内容分析 本课是一个关于问路的小对话。通过男人向Li Yan和Yang Ming问路,引出有关出行方式、所用时间及路线的语言表达,即要学习的目标语言How can I get to …? You can go there by …通过师生、生生之间的对话,学生自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,运用You can get off the bus at the third stop. 等表示指路的功能语句在真实语境中进行交际。 主要目标语言: How can I get to the City Library? You can get there by No. 6 bus. 二、学生情况分析 本节课是在学生已经学习了第七、八、九、十课的基础上,学生能介绍自己居住小区场景的创设,并能使用There be句型对建筑物的方位进行交流,在此基础上,本节课进行问路、指路等功能语句的学习与运用,对于大多数同学来说,难度不是很大。 三、教学目标 1. 学生能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读本课三会内容:How can I get to the City Library? You can get there by No. 6 bus. 2. 学生能够通过关于如何问路、指路的讨论和学习,注意到汉语与英语表达方位、方向的不同语序和习惯,从而更深刻地感悟英语的学习。 3. 学生能够通过本话题的学习,培养热爱家乡和自己居住的社区的积极情感,以及热情、礼貌待人、乐于助人的态度。 四、教学重难点 学生能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读本课三会内容:How can I get to the City Library? You can get there by No. 6 bus. 五、教学步骤 1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision) Sharp eyes 课件呈现上节课尝过的短语和图片,学生快速说出 T: You’re so great, children! You all have sharp eyes! This class let’s know some new friends. 设计意图:复习旧知,铺垫新知,既营造了英语学习氛围,拉近师生距离,也为本课学习新语言做了铺垫。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) (1)问题引入,启发疑问 教师出示本课PPT,就图片和学生讨论,在师生、生生之间的交流中熟悉本课情境,为后续学习打下基础。主要人物Li Yan和Yang Ming. T:What’s in the picture? S: There are three people, a bus stop and a man in it. T:Do you know the children? Who are they? S: Li Yan and Yang Ming. T: What are they doing? S: They are talking to the man. T: Yes. The man can’t find his way to somewhere. T: Do you want to know where the man wants to go? S: Yes. T: Let’s watch the video. (2)观看动画,整体感知,解答疑问 学生根据图片和听到的内容,回答问题: Where does the man want to go? S: the City Library. T: How do you know? S: The man says“How can I get to the City Library?” PPT中划出关键句,教师板书,并提问: T: How can the man get to the City Library? S: He can go there by No.6 bus. T: Yes, you’re right! 同样PPT中划出关键句,教师板书,并通过图片讲解bus stop, by No. 6 bus. 设计意图:学生带着教师提问来听本课对话,整体感知对话内容。整体感知对话是对话教学的策略之一,此方法能够避免学生支离破碎地学习和理解对话内容。让学生对本课对话先有一个整体了解,为后续编演对话打下基础。 (3)再看动画,深入理解 T: What else does the man want to know? Please watch and find out. S: Is it far from here? Where is the bus stop? 提示学生理解it在这里指代the City Library. (4)细读对话,找出两个问题的答案 学生自己读对话,找出这两个问题的答案 T: Is the City Library far from here? S: No, it’s about half an hour by bus. 教师出示钟表讲解an hour, half an hour.通过地图图示,理解It’s about ha ... ...

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