
Project 1 Around our city Part C & D 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:86次 大小:187877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Project 1 Around Our School (Period 2) Teaching contents教学内容: Project 1 Part CD Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1、 Review the words and drills from Unit4 to Unit8 we have learned before. 会用Where/How…? 句型询问并回答 2 、Review the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 、Be able to communicate with each other easily. 4、.Be able to introduce the cities to the class. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1、 Be able to introduce the cities to the class. 2 、Be able to communicate with each other and enjoy the communication. 3 、Be able to master the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions. Preparation教学准备: PPT, Information maps 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warm-up Say a chant进入主题。学生先分组朗读,然后教师示范,学生跟读后改编儿歌,提高学习的乐趣,培养学生的创造性思维能力。 (1)How do you go to the zoo? By bus? No! By car? No! By underground? Yes! I go to the zoo by underground. (2)How do you go to the park? By bus? No! By underground? No! By bicycle? Yes! I go to the park by bicycle. Step 2 Revision 1、Show the students’ maps of our city .Talk about them.以此导入单词、句型和会话练习,帮助学生温习Part A和Part B中的核心词汇、句型及真实的英语语言场景交流。 Today‘s topic: Around Our School T: Look at the map. This is one map of the cities. Do you want to get more information about it? Then what questions can we ask? T:Is?there?a?post?office?near?your?home/school? Is?it?near?or?far?away? Where?is?it? Where do you live? S1:I live in .…Town/on .…Street. T: How?do?you?get?there? S1: I take a bus to go there. Oh, you can take a metro to go to the post?office, too. … T: All right. We have an information map about the city like this. Step 3 Presentation 1、利用学生的座位表,复习有关位置的介词,导入left ,right及between. E.g.: T: I cannot find Kitty .Where is she? How can I find her? S: Kitty sits near?Alice. T: Yes, I can see her now .Who sits behind her? Who sits in front of her? S: Tom sits near her .Betty sits in front of her. … 2、利用教室的座位,进一步温习turn left , turn right ,walk straight ,go along?等关于方向的表达。 E.g.: T: Now I have a book. I want to give it to Peter .How do I do? 请学生用first ,then, next ,finally?这些词告诉老师到达Peter路线。 3、Know some traffic signs 4、Ask and answer进行主题讨论,引入Where/How引导的特殊疑问句的话题,小组形式完成问题的讨论。并以pair work的形式操练完整对话 Excuse me, how do you get to the post office? I come to the post office on foot. First, I walk along Winter Street. Next, I Turn left at Spring Street. Then, I walk straight and the post office on my right. Step 4 Tasks Play a game How do you get to the places in B? Show and tell your class.根据提示,操练对话,巩固核心句型。 I live in .…Town/on .…Street. I come to … First, I … Next, I … Then, I … 2、教师让一名学生当寻物人,在不让其他人看见的情况下,把一样东西给心目中的一位同学,大家一起指引寻物人。帮助他找到东西。然后教师出示图片 ... ...

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