
Unit 8 In the emergency room 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:50次 大小:18432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 the emergency room 同步练习 填充单词。 An le wr st elb w fee t ste 翻译下列短语。 给某人打一针 吃药 闻起来很糟糕 回家 靠拐杖走路 写出下列单词的同类词。 taste smell ankle chin today yesterday 单项选择。 --How do you feel? --My ankle A hurt B hurts C pain It’s time home. A go B going C to go Doctor is his ankle. A check B checking C checks He is ill. His father is very . A worry B worried C worries He is OK, he? A does B is C isn’t 补充课文故事。 Matt is ____the _____room at Redrock Bay General hospital .The doctor _____Matt’s ankle. Then she ____Matt an ____. Now the doctor is _____at the cut on Matt’s _____. There is also a cut ____his head. The doctor has ____check his eyesight. Matt ____X- rays of his _____. His father is very _____.The doctor says Matt’s ankle is _____. But his knees and elbows are OK. Now it’s time ____Matt’s medicine. Will Matt ____this medicine? Can he _____home soon? 参考答案 一、ankle wrist elbow feel taste 二、give sb. an injection take medicine taste awful go home walk with crutches 三、略 四、BCBBC 五、in emergency checks gives injection looking chin on to has bones worried broken for take go

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