
Unit 8 In the emergency room 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:24次 大小:17920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 the emergency room 同步练习 一、翻译下列短语。 First aid help oneself stop the bleeding Daily life sit down 二、单项选择。 This milk isn’t very cold, ? A is it B isn’t it C does it There isn’t a problem, ? A is there B isn’t it C there is -- you go out after school? --yes, I can A did B do C can Please take it. This medicine sweet A sounds B smells C touches Can I the guitar? A plays B play C playing 三、搭配。 1. If an insect bites you, 2. If oil bures you, 3. If your foot is hurt badly, 4. If you cut your fingers, 5. If your stomach hurts, A. You should not eat anything and go to the hospital. B. you should cool the area with clean water. C. you should wash the area with cold water. D. you should put paper around the cut. E. you should don’t walk. 四、将下列词语组成一句话。 1. like you don’t juice you orange 2. can play we can’t we tennis 3. was’t hurt he he was 五、写一篇小作文。 What kind of sports do you like?why do you like them? How often do you play them? 参考答案 一、急救 自救 止血 日常生活 坐下 二、AACBB 三、BCEDA 四、1.You like orange juice, don’t you? 2. We can play tennis, can’t we? 3. He wasn’t hurt, was he? 五、略。

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