
Revision of Module 6-10 Reading and writing 课件(24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:2727602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Revision module B Reading and writinglearning objectives1.get to know the story of treasure Island with reading skills.( 运用阅读技巧了解故事情节) 2. get to know how to evaluate the characters of story .(合作学习评价故事中的人物角色) 3. learn to write an outline of a story and cultivate the ability of thinking. (学习写故事提纲,培养思维) 4. learn to write a story or film.(学习写故事) 5. cultivate the interest of reading literature works and tell Chinese story well in English . (培养阅读文学作品 的兴趣并能用英语讲好中国故事)island (岛屿) gold(黄金)pirate (海盗)treasure 珠宝 v.珍藏 珍视sail (航海、航行)set sail (扬帆、起航)discover (发现)Guess 1.What is Treasure Island?2.Where are they ? Who are they ? SkimmingWho are they ? Ben Gunn a friend of Captain Flint Jim Hawkins Captain FlintLong John Silverheropirate cook Scanning 1.What is Treasure island? 2.Why is it called Treasure Island? 3. What does Jim Jawking do? Read para1Scanning Read and choose the right answer. 1.What is Treasure island? A. It is an island . B. It’s a famous story . C. It’s a place of interest D. it’s a man’s name.Scanning Task 1 read and choose the right answer. 1.What is Treasure island? A. It is an island . B. It’s a famous story . C. It’s a place of interest D. it’s a man’s name.2.Why is it called Treasure Island?Because it is about the story of looking for treasure on the island.B. Because Jim is a man with treasure.C. Because everyone has lots of treasure on the island D. Because there is lots of treasure around the sea.2.Why is it called Treasure Island?Because it is about the story of looking for treasure on the island.B. Because Jim is a man with treasure.C. Because everyone has lots of treasure on the island D. Because there is lots of treasure around the sea.3. What does Jim Jawking do?A. He and his friends find treasure on the island B. He fights with his friends for treasure on the island.C. He shares treasure with his friends .D. He saves a man with treasure on the island3. What does Jim Jawking do?A. He and his friends find treasure on the island B. He fights with his friends for treasure on the island.C. He shares treasure with his friends .D. He saves a man with treasure on the islandDetailed reading Answer the questions 1.Why do Jim Hawking and his friends buy a ship ?2. Who are the pepole that work on the ship ?3. Why Jim follow the pirates on the island ?4. Why do the pirates not find the gold?5.Why do Jim and his friends take Long John silver with them when they leave the island?Discusssion 1. I think Long John Silver is (kind greedy√(贪婪的) clever young dangerous √ ) 2. Jim decides never to go looking for gold again because he treasures ( gold friendship√ life √)3. Would you like to read treasure island? Why? (Yes , because… / No, because… )Discusssion 1. I think Long John Silver is (kind greedy贪婪的 clever young dangerous ) 2. Jim decides never to go looking for gold again because he treasures (珍视) ... ...

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