
牛津译林版 高二下册 模块8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light 课件+试卷含答案(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:21次 大小:1211765Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3  The world of colours and light 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向·印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本·探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体·提升语基能力 【知识主线串记】   短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点, 请按要求补全短文, 并背诵体会黑 体部分用法。   It is a consensus that he was a famous painter, 1. _____ birthplace was Spain. He was expert in abstract still life and oil painting. When he was young, he showed great interest 2. __ painting and was 3. _____(commit) to this art. When he was 15 years old, he was off to learn from a famous artist. When he was 19, he gained an 4. _____(admit) to an art university and he also got whose in committed admission scholarship. It is 5. _____(calculate) that it was his changeable painting style 6. ____ made him upwards of his teacher. He acutely observed the scenery and things around him, such as trees and shadows, beings in the pond and the starry sky . He thought that his efforts were 7. _____(reward). His works 8. _____(display) in a famous gallery at present. Meanwhile, he also enjoyed his life. In 9. ___(he) spare time, he acted as a chef. He often laid out a piece of cloth on the table and cut up some meat on it ?10. _____(cook) a good meal. ? calculated that rewarding are displayed his to cook Part 1 考纲高频单词 1. commit vt. & vi. 全心全意投入; 犯罪, 犯错; 承诺, 保证 【文化金句】  Chang’e-3’s soft landing proves that, with commitment and determination, all obstacles can be overcome. 嫦娥三号的软着陆证明, 只要全心全意地投入并有决心, 所有的障碍都能被克服。 【语块必记】 (1)commit an error/a crime/suicide做错事/犯罪/自杀 commit oneself to (doing)sth. 专心致志于; 承诺/保证(做)某事 (2)committed adj. 尽心尽力的; 尽责的; 效忠的; 坚定的 be committed to (doing)sth. 承诺/全身心地投入(做)某事 (3)commitment n. 承诺, 保证; 花费; 投入, 忠于 make a commitment 作出承诺 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①On balance, I think I would rather not commit myself to _____ (go) with you. ②He was a good man who was _____ (commit) to his family as well as to his work. ③If you are serious about our relationship, you should make a _____ (commit). 完成句子 ④Nevertheless, we must not _____ of analyzing progress only from one point of view. ? 然而, 我们不能犯仅从一个角度分析进展的错误。 世纪金榜导学号 going committed commitment commit the mistake 2. reward n. 回报, 报酬, 奖励 vt. 给以报酬, 奖励 【文化金句】  In contrast, people who are generous are rewarded with more happiness. 相比之下, 慷慨的人被报以更多的快乐。 【语块必记】 (1)reward sb. with . . .    用……报答/回报某人 reward sb. for (doing)sth. 因(做)某事奖赏某人 (2)in reward (for . . . ) 作为(对……的)报酬 as a reward for. . . 作为对……的报酬 give/offer a reward to sb. for sth. 为某事而给某人报酬 (3)rewarding adj. 值得做的; 报酬高的; 有益的 【语境速测】 单句语法填空 ①___ a reward for passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents. ②I’d like to do something __ reward for her kind ... ...

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