
人教版(新课程标准) 选修7 Unit 1 Living well 课件+试卷含答案(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:25次 大小:1675776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第一部分 教材知识突破 选修七 Unit 1 Living well 栏 目 导 航 基础盘点 · 自测自评 考点串讲 · 重点突破 随堂检测 · 基础过关 话题拓展 · 素养升华 课时跟踪 · 一练而就 adapt conduct fellow outgoing handy adequate graduation community profit resign disabled ambitious noise suit absent annoyed annoyance psychologically encourage abolition accessible approve beneficial benefits ambitious ambitions accessible disability annoyed annoyed annoying disapprove approval absence assistant assists in other words adapt to cut out out of breath all in all sit around as well as in many ways make fun of never mind all the best meet with cut out met with As well as In other words make fun of out of breath sit around too busy to go to hoping as normal a life as It is quite convenient to shop to yourself adaptation In absence absent annoying annoyance annoyed with To his annoyance on Congratulations accessible to have a word with In a word Word came that had words with kept her word In other words, we are the master of our own future out of breath held our breath Take a deep breath whispering feeling showing 随堂检测 · 基础过关 3 adaptable absence annoying accessible from staring beneficial from suitable in 话题拓展 · 素养升华 4 fairly who/that considers about himself doing whom matches independent a 谢谢观看 THANKS Unit 1 Living well ———?课时跟踪·一练而就?——— Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020届黑龙江省大庆高三质检) The Perfect Summer School for Young Learners in Oxford SBC Oxford is the ideal summer school for young students aged 10~16 years old. Our engaging summer program combines English lessons with activities, to provide a fantastic experience for our young age range. English Plus Horse Riding (E+HR) Price Per Week: £210 As well as being taught to ride in a group lesson by qualified instructors, students will learn how to care for horses, by learning stable management, cleaning and safety. Students will also get to practice their English language skills and teamwork during their time at the riding school. English Plus Drama (E+D) Price Per Week: £110 Students will follow a three?week program using drama to explore famous English stories. This energetic course enables students to practice teamwork and communication. The most attractive part of the course is a tour to the Oxford Storytelling Museum where students will take part in an educational workshop to learn more about the exciting world of storytelling. English Plus Adventure Sports (E+AS) Price Per Week: £210 Designed with the adventurous in mind, this fortnight course gives our students a chance to take part in some exciting activities! With the course taking place on campus on two afternoons in a week, students will have a chance to take part in a variety of activities, such as paintball, wall?climbing and high?ropes. English Plus Art and Design (E+A & D) Price Per Week: £110 This two?week course is perfect for students with an intere ... ...

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