
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 单元同步练习(5课时+答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:6069760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Period 1(Section A 1a-2d)同步练习 一、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词 1.read _____ _____ 2.think _____ _____ 3.know _____ _____ 4.finish _____ _____ 5.begin _____ _____ 6.put _____ _____ 7.grow _____ _____ 8.write _____ _____ 9.find _____ _____ 10.come _____ _____ 二、选词填空 1.—Have you _____ seen the film? —Yes, I have. 2.I have _____ been to Hong Kong. I really hope to go there to visit the Disneyland one day. 3.Have you finished your homework _____? 4.—Has your mother come yet? —Yes, she has _____ been here for 10 minutes. 5.It's eight now. He has _____ arrived for class. 三、完形填空 What is school for? It's an easy question, but a poll(民意测验) in the USA shows people have different ideas on school. The poll is __1__ the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools. It is from a worldwide group of teachers called PDK International. PDK asked Americans to name the biggest __2__ of school. Just 45 percent of people said the main goal was to prepare students to __3__ exams. Around a quarter of people said it was to get kids ready to __4__ a job. Just over 26 percent of Americans said the biggest __5__ for starting a school was to teach children about citizenship(公民权). Joshua Starr, CEO of PDK, said the poll questioned __6__ schools were doing the right thing, and if they were “what the public wants”. He quoted(引用) from author James Baldwin, who said in 1963 that the goal of school is “to ask __7__ of the universe and learn to live with those questions”. Students had __8__ ideas about school because they are all different persons. Elena Brankov, 15, said the goal of school was to teach children to be creative, to share ideas and to __9__ technology to make the world a better place. Lyndon Bailey, also 15, said, “School is just to make poor kids into robots that can work and __10__ rich people richer.” (  )1.A.called     B.Invited C.found    D.carried (  )2.A.dream     B.Goal C.wish     D.kindness (  )3.A.bring     B.Get C.pass     D.visit (  )4.A.make     B.Find C.look     D.want (  )5.A.reason    B.result C.course   D.way (  )6.A.whether     B.yet C.while    D.or (  )7.A.answers     B.parts C.questions  D.conditions (  )8.A.same     B.simple C.different  D.good (  )9.A.carry     B.work C.post     D.use (  )10.A.let     B.ask C.make     D.hear 四、阅读理解 Every year there is a special festival in Bath, England. People dress up and have concerts and balls(舞会). They are celebrating(庆祝) the Jane Austen Festival. Jane Austen was an English writer. Born in Steventon, England, in 1775, Austen learned most things at home. She learned how to play the piano, draw and write. She read a lot and later came to enjoy activities, such as parties, dances and balls. She disliked the busy life of towns and loved the country life. I ... ...

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