

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:32次 大小:875240Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 9———10模块综合测试卷 听力部分(40分) 一、听一听,选择听到的单词。(6分) ( )(1) A. happen B. happiness C . happy ( )(2) A. concert B. cousin C . chocolate ( )(3) A. water B. watermelon C . banana ( )(4) A. headache B. fever C .stomach ache ( )(5) A. cousin B. brother C .sister 二、根据所听的顺序,给下列图片标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的句子。 ( )(1) A. He lived in New York last year. B. He lived in Beijing last year. ( )(2) A. It was beautiful B. It was great. ( )(3) A. Did he travel by bus? B. Did he travel by plane? ( )(4) A. What happened to your arm? B. What happened to your leg? ( )(5) A. He took me to the park. B. He took me to the school. 四、听短文,判断对“T”错“F” ( )(1)They went to the park by car. ( )(2) They bought a watermelon. ( )(3) They saw some birds. ( )(4) They played football. ( )(5) They were very happy. 笔试部分(60分) 一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )(1) A.chocolate B. watermelon C.cake ( )(2) A. bumped B.carried C buy ( )(3) A. thirsty B. ride C hungry ( )(4) A. headache B. fever C picnic ( )(5) A.cold B. hot C feel 二、读一读,为下列句子选择相应的图片。 B. C. D. E. ( )(1) Be bought some apples. ( )(2) They played football yesterday. ( )(3) —Did you go to the zoo? —Yes, we did. ( )(4) I went to school by car. ( )(5) My cousin lived Shanghai last year. 三、单项选择。(10分) ( )(1)What happened Tom? A.with B.to C.on ( )(2)I feel cold, I have to leave here.     A.but B.on C.so ( )(3)I him to the hospital last night. went B.carry C.took ( )(4)—Does he live in the UK? —Yes, . A.he did B.he does C.he doesn’t ( )(5)Did you visit your grandparents ? last week B.next week C.tomorrow 四、读一读,选一选,写出正确的单词。 ⑴ ― Does he live in New York ? ― No, He in San Francisco now. ― Did he travel by plane? ― Yes, he here by plane. to China! ⑷I’m ill. My father took me to the . ⑸The watermelon his head yesterday. 五、读一读,选一选,将序号填写在横线上。 ⑴ ― _____? ― Yes, it was great. ⑵ ― _____? ― No, we went there by car. ⑶ ―_____? ― Yes, it`s very beautiful. ⑷ ― _____? ― No, she lives in Hangzhou. ⑸ ― _____? ― Yes, they were very nice. 六、读一读,判断句子是否与图片一致,打“√”或“×”。 ( ) ⑴ We went there by train. ( ) ⑵ We visited the Great Wall. ( ) ⑶ Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday,so today he`s got a stomach ache. ( ) ⑷ Daming had two watermelons yesterday,so today he`s got a stomach ache. ( ) ⑸ Amy had a cold yesterday, and today she`s got a headache. 七、阅读短文,将正确的选项填入括号内。 My name is Lily. I am from America, but now I live in Beijing with my family. Last Sunday I went to the park with Lingling. Be went there by bus. I went for a bike ride in the park and Lingling sang songs. Be were hungry and thirsty, so we bought some water. Be were happy. Be had a good time. Yesterday afternoon, my mother visited her friend. They talked and talked. My father watched TV. My brother had lots of watermelons, so he had a ... ...

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