
小升初英语专项复习——课时检测6课件 (2份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:62次 大小:2248100Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第6课时五年级下册(Unit1~Unt6) 重点词 匚 story故事 listen to听;倾听 interesting有趣的 Unt1 talk about谈论;讨论 put on上演;演出 play戏剧;演出 great好极了;太棒了 write about写……;记述 researc h调查;研究 find找到;发现 information信息 Unit 2 study学习;研究 think想;思考 report报告 kite风筝 show展示;给……看 paper Unit 3 bamboo 竹子cut切;);剪 tie here在这里 Ars夫人;太太 take把……带往 library图书馆 Unit 4 throw扔;丢 waste废弃的;浪费的for地板road道路pak公园 mont th月 January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 Unit 5 October十月 November十一月 D ecember 十二月 ear International children'sDay国际儿童节 Mother's Day母亲节 avourite最喜欢的 chocolate巧克力 Unit 6 rose 玫瑰花 celebrate庆祝 restaurant餐馆 重点短语 1. listen to听 2. talk about.谈论 3. put on a play上演一部戏 4. write about写…,记述 5 do some researc h做一些调查 What are we going to do today?我们今天打算做什么? 2. We are going to.我们今天打算 3.- Are we going to.?我们打算 Yes, we are/No, we aren’t.是的,我们是。/不,我 们不是的 Fist, cut the bamboo.首先,削竹子 5. And then, cut the paper.然后,剪纸。 6.Next, draw a picture and paint it with a brush.接着,画一张画并用画笔涂色。 7. Lastly glue the paper on the bamboo and tie a string to the kite 最后,将纸粘在竹子上并在风筝上系一根绳子。 (课件网) 第6课时五年级下册(Unit1~Unt6) 课时检测6 听力部分 (听力下载网址:www.yuancheng.cm) 笔试部分 五、给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。 B )1. interesting A.最喜欢的 B.有趣的 C.好极了,太棒了 C )2. September A.八月 B.二月 C.九月 A 3. restaurant A.餐馆 B.图书馆 C.宾馆 B )4. paper A.竹子 B.纸 C.风筝 C 5. chocolate A.汉堡 B.面包 C.巧克力 六、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 A ) 1. April A May B Mothers Day C Tuesday C )2.tie A. story B. month cut A 3. here a. there B park C. library B )4. year A October mon C. find B 5. park A report B. shol C. think 七、选出下列句子正确的中文翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号内。 D )1. Dont play football on the road A.你打算做什么? A )2. What are you going to do B.下一步,画一幅画并用画笔涂色 (B)3.Next, draw a picture and paint it with a brush.C.我将为她制作一张漂亮的卡片。 E )4. My birthday is on the seventh of May D.不要在马路上踢足球。 C 5. I'll make a beautiful card for her E.我的生日在五月七日。 八、给下列图片选出相对应的英文描述,将序号写在图片下面的括号内。 1. first cut the bamboo with a knife 2. Then cut the paper 3. Next draw a picture with a pencil 4. After that paint it with a brush 5. Lastly glue the paper on the bamboo (5) 3) 九、阅读短文,判断正误,正确画“√”,错误画“×”。 Tomorrow is Mother's Day It's my mother's birthday too. I'll make a nice card for my mother. My brother Jack will buy a gift. My father will buy some rose and a big birthday cake for my mother Tomorrow evening we are going to eat dinner in a restaurant We'll have a good time V )1. Tomorrow is Mother's Day X ) 2. Tomorrow is my father's birthday X 3.Ill ... ...

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