
Unit4 Where is my car?Part B Let's talk&Let's play课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:20267758Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Where is my car? Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play Words game cap toy box where is my cap/toy box ? It's -- Is it --? let' s play a guessing game will play a game after school ,but he can't find his cap ?Can you help him? have a good time Mike is finding his cap too,where is his cap ,let' s listen to the tape and find out the question show time which is the best group New words This is a magic (魔法的) box. I find it! Quickly Response cap boat car map ball Let’s learn cap ball car boat map Mum, where is my boat? Is it in your toy box? No, it isn’t. Activity Where is the _____? It’s _____. Free talk Where is my _____? It’s _____. Let’s do Row a boat. Bounce a ball. Drive a car. Put on a cap. Read a map. 根据图片快速说出短语。 Read a _____. map Row a _____. boat Drive a _____. car Bounce a _____. ball Put on a _____. cap 游戏规则:根据内容完成 Where is _____? It’s _____. Warm-up Exercise 情景交际。 1. 你想知道球在哪儿,你可以这样问:_____ A. Where is the ball from? B. Where is the ball? 2. 你想知道帽子是否在书桌里面,你可以这样问: _____ A. Is it in the desk? B. Is it under the desk? 选择正确答案。 1. _____ it in your toy box? A. Are B. Am C. Is 2. A: Where is the boat? B: _____ A. I’m from China. B. It’s under the chair. 3. A: Is it on the desk? B: _____ A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. No, it isn’t.

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