

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:8752537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    题号1ⅡⅢⅣVⅦ合计ⅧⅨxxⅫ合 得分 A卷(100分) I语音题(本小题1分,共10分) A)观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分的读音与所给单 词的画线部分的读音相同的选项,并将选项的编号填入题前的括号内 )1.empty A. encourage B enemy eaucation event )2.those A. think B. theatre C. think DD ). northern )3. Sunday A Monday B pay C. play D. today C )4.honour A. hole B. horse C. honest- D. half ( )5.rested Alooked C needed D. loved Cvery,much e- p, singing,very, much mona. a ri一 B helped )6.life A sick B. fit C swing 6 D light B根据下列对话的情景,找出画线句子中一般要重读的单词 ()7.I Do you like singing or dancig?44m ilike singing very much A I, singing Blike, singing )8 --Is your aunt a doctor? n 3co i tli arai -No, he is a policewoman. A. No, she, policewoman B No, policewoman C. No, is, policewoman 20D D NO, a, policewoman C)以下每组对话由1、2、3组成,指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。 )90-Shall we go to the shopping centre by bike or by bus? (t/viA 1Ee23ih ② By bus 时2两a2 ③ How far is it from here? A①升调②降调③降调 B①降调②降调③降调 C①升调②降调③升调 D④①降调②降调③升调 )10. -It's a nice day,isn't it? C ②Yesi 1(对ie= r ben gon ba @-Shall we go swimming together? r" k i tosd hut anode hhd A、①降调②降调③升调 B①升调②降调降调 C①升调②降调③升调 D①降调②降调⑧降调 秦安县2020年九年级诊断检测考试试卷 英语答案 A卷 I1-6 D 7-10 DBB A II.词汇。 11. thirtieth 12 politely 13. worse 14 bought 15. choose 16. di sappear17 weight 18, threw 19 harmful/harmless 20. enemies 21. share 22. safety 23. reading 24. promise 25 attention II单选。 26-30 ADCDC 31-35 ABBDC 36-40 CBBDC 41-45 ADDCC 46-50 ACBCC IV阅读理解51-55 BCDBC56-60厘ACAD V.口语交际61-65 DEBCA ⅥI句型转换 Dv 66. Work hard 67 Did use 68 where-to 69. Neither nor 70 so that VI.完形填空71-75 BDACC76-80 ABDBC B卷 VIII. 81, you 82 of 83. drivers 84. surely 85 sets 86. using up 87. follow 88. Unsuccessful 89. to achieve 90. power IX.阅读理解91-95 BDACE X翻译。 96.众所周知,许多事情能够影响我们的情绪。 97.定期锻炼是你需要培养的最重要的习惯之一。 98. Hanging out with friends can make you feel happy. 9.保持好心情的最简单的方法是充分休息。 100. Don't let little things drive you mad XI改错 101 to-for 102. fell--felt 103 at--for 104 Final--Final1 105. in A the bottle 106. tries-tried 107 and--but 108. felt like to-felt like 109. a-an 110. she--he XI作文。略

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