
中考英语专题复习: 非谓语动词 复习课件(29张)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:629284Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) *在句子不作谓语成分的动词叫做非谓语动词 概念: 动词不定式 V-ing 形式(doing) 过去分词(done) to do do 列举接to do 作宾语(object)的动词:hope to do sth. .. wish / want /would like / like / decide / plan / help / agree / learn / used to / can’t wait ....+ to do sth. 列举接to do 作宾补(object complement)的动词:want sb. to do sth. ask / tell / want / invite / encourage advise / allow / help / expect ... + sb. to do sth. Listen to the questions. If you get the answers, stand up as quickly as you can. Then you can get a chance to answer the questions. would like sb. (not) to do sth. 1)want sb. (not)to do sth. = 2)help sb. do sth. & help sb. to do sth.哪个对? 3)“一感,二听 ,三让 ,四看”是...? 4)“一感,二听 ,三让 ,四看”后是否带to? 省略to 都对 5) She was heard sing last night. 表达正确吗? She was heard to sing last night. + 不定式 我感觉刚才有人进来了.... I felt someone enter the meeting room just now. She made me _____(feel ) scared. feel =I was made _____(feel ) scared by her. to feel 感官动词和使役动词后的不定式在主动语态中省略to,在被动语态中必须加上to。 最好还是(不)做…… 请您做……? 为什么不做…? 宁愿做……而不愿.... had better ( not) do... Would you please do... 2would rather do...than do 1prefer to do ....rather than do... 省略to的固定情况 Why not /Why don’t you do sth 我发现用英语交谈很困难。 I found ____difficult _____. it to talk in English 1分 不定式作主语常用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将真正的主语放在句子后面。 To learn a foreign language is not easy for me. = ____not easy for me ___ ___a foreign language It ____me one hour ____ ____English every day. I spend one hour reading English every day. to learn takes to read 2分 It’s He isn't old ____ ____ ____ ____school. He is _____young _____ go to school. enough to go to 1.He is so young that he can't go to school. to too 5分 “疑问词what / which / where/when /who/ how +不定式”结构可以和宾语从句转换。 what to do They are thinking of what they should do next. They are thinking of ____ ____ ____ next. 不定式常用在be动词和seem 等系动词之后,构成系表结构。 1.He seems _____ happy. A. be B. is C. to be D. become 4分 不定式作定语要放在它所修饰的名词、代词 或不定代词something, nothing...后面。 2. I'm hungry. Please get me something _____.   A. eat   B. to eat   C. eating D. for eating 3. I haven't got a house _____.   A. to live  B. live in C. for living D. to live in 1.To read Chinese is necessary for you. =___ ____necessary___ ____ 同义句: = ___ ___very kind ___ ___ 2.You are very kind to give me some help.  to read Chinese. to give me some help (for 引出动作发出者) It is + adj + for sb to do sth It is + adj + of sb to do sth (of 侧重对人的品格、特征、性格的描述) for you It is It is of you 3分 一、朗读(共3分) 1) Eating too much is bad for your health. 2) What about going shopping? 3) Do you mind lending the interesting book to me? 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 * 动名词由动词原形+ - ... ...

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