
Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use.课件(共49张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:53次 大小:11816960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研版八年级上英语 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 3 Language in use Charlie Mary They are talking about learning English. What happens to them Mary: Hi, Charlie. What’s wrong Charlie: Hi, Mary. This English homework is really difficult. Mary: Why don’t we work on it together Charlie: Yes, Ok.How about meeting after school today Mary: Good idea.We should tell our classmates. Maybe other students would like to join us. Charlie: Yes. We can study in the English Study Club. Let’s try to meet every Monday afternoon after school. Mary: Can you send everyone an Email about our club That way, everyone will know about it. Don't forget to put the time and place on it. Charlie: We should read some newspapers and help each other with difficult vocabulary. Mary: Good idea.Let's go and write the Email now. Circle out(圈出) the structure of giving advice and discuss how to use them. Mary: Hi, Charlie. What’s wrong Charlie: Hi, Mary. This English homework is really difficult. Mary: Why don’t we work on it together Charlie: Yes, Ok.How about meeting after school today Mary: Good idea. We should tell our classmates. Maybe other students would like to join us. Charlie: Yes. We can study in the English Study Club. Let’s try to meet every Monday afternoon after school. Mary: Can you send everyone an Email about our club That way, everyone will know about it. Don’t forget to put the time and place on it, Charlie: We should read some newspapers and help each other with difficult vocabulary. Mary: Good idea. Let’s go and write the Email now. Try(not) to do We/You should do Why not do? Why don’t you do How about doing What about doing advice Let’s do It’s a good idea/way to do Don’t forget to do Remember to do should try to How about Why don’t Why not Helen is poor is speaking.He asks advice from Diana about how to improve English speaking. Now please complete Diana's email with the correct forms of the following words. Hello, Helen, You need to practise speaking more often. _____ you look for some English-speaking people in your town _____ saying hello to them and asking them where they come from _____ make friends with them and take them around your town. Is there an English club in your town If there is not, _____ start one with your friends _____ playing a few games and listening to some music You can watch English films together, and _____ speak English all the time. You _____ invite your new English-speaking friends to your club! Best Diana Why don’t Try to How about Why not How about try to should Why don’t you look for some English-speaking people in your town How about saying hello to them and asking them where they come from Try to make friends with them and take them around your town. Is there an English club in your town If there is not, Why not start one with your friends How about playing a few games and listening to some music You can watch English films together, and tr ... ...

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