
人教新目标(Go for it)版中考英语一轮复习试题九年级全册Units 5—9 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:24503Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语(下)阶段性诊断自测题(2) Units 5—9 Book I I.单项填空。 ( ) 1.—Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help. —Sorry, mum. I on the phone. A. am talking   B. talked C. was talking ( )2. —What do you usually have lunch at school? —I have some rice and a glass milk. A. for; of B. of; for C. for; for ( )3. Jack didn’t go to visit the Great Wall on Saturday he was ill. A. because B. so C. because of ( )4. —How do you go home every day? — bike. It’s not far from here. A. On    B. In     C. By ( )5. —Your skirt is very nice. is it? —138 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. What price ( )6. It’s so crowded in Yinzuo Supermarket on weekends. There are always _____people in it. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of ( )7. — yesterday? —Tuesday. A. What’s the date B. What was the date C. What day was it ( )8. Tom is a well-known ping-pong _____in our school. A.play B. player C. played ( )9. There is sheep on the hill eating grass. A. a little B. a few C. little ( )10. “Don’t to strangers on your way to and from school, ”mother often__ to me. A. speak; says B. speak; tells C. talk; speaks ( )11. The girl is_____ years old. Today is her month of the year. A. ninth; nine B. nine; ninth C. nine; nine ( )12. —Do you have any plans for your summer vacation? —Yes. I London with my parents. A. am visiting B. visit C. visited ( )13. Though his grandmother lives , she never feels . A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely ( )14. —Happy New Year! — . A. The same to you B. Thank you C. Me, too ( ) 15. —What’s your favorite_____? —Blonde. A. food B. color C. sport II. 阅读理解。 A In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited. About five minutes later, the bus they wanted for came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed. No one had told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.   Learning the language of a country isn’t enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn’t agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty.   In that country, you shake your head to mea ... ...

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