
Unit 6 Travel Lesson 2 How are you going there?课件(16张ppt)+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:72次 大小:12970799Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Where are you ,where are you going this summer? I am ,I am going to Beijing. Where are you ,where are you going this summer? I am ,I am going to Dalian. Where are you ,where are you going this summer? I am going to Mount Taishan. Where are you ,where are you going this summer? I am going to the Shaolin Temple. Unit6 lesson2 How are you going there? Tasks before class(前置性作业) 1.Can you match ?(黄金搭档我来配!) plane 船,轮船 by 火车 ship 飞机 train 自行车 bike 搭乘 2.Try to translate.(试一试,我能译!) I’m going back to Canada by plane. How are you going to the shaolin Temple? I’m going there by train. How are you going there? By ship. By bike. 3.I can share.(通过预习我的发现和问题.) 4.What’s the test about? A.food B.country C.travel A:Where are you going this summer? B:I'm going to....... How are you going there? By bus? By car ? by: 搭乘 plane ship train bike By plane By ship By train By bike Who Where How Jenny Canada Petter Dalian Liming Shaolin Temple Danny Shaolin Temple Danny is going to the Shaojin Temple by bike. Why are they laughing?(他们为什么笑呢?) Can you help Danny? (跟读课文) E-pen,分角色-Read in groups Work in groups: Read in roles. (小组分角色朗读。) How are you going to Hainan? I'm going there by ship. Where are you going this summer? I'm going to Hainan. Make a survey Key scentences: A:Where are you going this summer, May? B:I’m going to Beijing. A:How are you going there? B:I’m going there by plane. A:What can you do there? B:I can visit the Tiananmen square. A:What do want toyou eat? B:I want to eat Pecking duck. Report: May is going to Beijing. She is going there by plane.She can visit the Tiananmen square.She wants to eat Pecking duck. Who Where How Do Food May Beijing by plane visit the Tianan men square Pecking duck E-pen,分角色-Read in groups Travelling can make us relax ourselves,can make us happy and healthy. So we should enjoy traveling and enjoy our life. 旅游能使我们放松自我,是我们变得更健康,更快乐!我们应该享受旅游,享受生活! What have we learned this class? (这节课,我们学到了什么?) 预习Lesson 3 What are you going to do there? Unit 2 We're going to visit the Ming Tombs前置性作业 1)、Read the new words.(认读并翻译下列单词!) Learn sunrise sea boy girl have a good time 2)、Read the new scentences.(认读并翻译下列句子!) What are you going to do at the Shaolin Temple? I’m going to learn kongfu. What are you going to do on Mount Taishan? I’m going to see the sunrise. Have a good time !Boys and girls!

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