
Unit5 Shopping Lesson1 Can I help you ?课件(共31张ppt)+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:92次 大小:12584950Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Lesson 1 Can I help you? * * * 玩具 * 汽车 * 公共汽车 * Watch and answer: What does Li Ming want to buy? A: A toy bus. B: A toy car. * Watch and answer: What does Li Ming want to buy? A: A toy bus. B: A toy car. * Can I help you? * --Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? --I'd like.../I want ... 我想要... * Can I help you? I’d like a pen. * Watch and answer: Does Li Ming want a toy bus ? why? * Watch and answer: Does Li Ming want a toy bus ? No, he doesn’t. Because it’s too big. Why ? * It’s too big. I want a toy car. * Watch and answer How about the toy car? A: It goes slowly. B: It goes fast and it’s cheap. * Watch and answer A: It goes slowly. B: It goes fast and it’s cheap. How about the toy car? * Li Ming likes the toy car. What does mum say? All right!We’ll take it. * * 想买下某件商品的表达句型:I’ll take it. Listen and imitate 模仿跟读,听一跟三,注意语音语调! * Group work Tips: 1.自读 3 遍,小组齐读3遍; 2.Let's dubbing.配音。 3.角色扮演,上台展示。 * Showtime * Let's dubbing (配音) * Role play 1. Read aloud. (声音洪亮。) 2. Read and imitate. (模仿语音语调。) 3. Recite with feelings. (脱离课本,声情并茂。) * a. Can I help you A: ? B: I’d like a_____,please. c. toy A:How about this toy_____? e. bus B:It’s too big. A:How about this toy_____? It’s small and it’s_____. B:____ _____. We’ll _____ it. d. car g. cheap f. All right b. take Task1 Fill in the blanks * A: Can I help you? B: I’d like a……..(pen,pencil,cake,toy car...) A: How about this one? It’s nice and cheap. B: OK! I’ll take it. Task 2 I can make 假如你和妈妈去超市购物,小组合作,想象一下你和售货员之间会说些什么,可以使用以下句型: * 德育渗透 We have to get into the habbit of civilized shopping. 我们要养成文明购物的习惯。 * Unit 5 Lesson 1 I can read sentence... I know ... What have you learnt : 我学会了... * 1. Must do: Read this text to your deskmate. (将这篇对话读给同桌听。) 2. Choose to do: Make a dialogue about shopping. (创编一组关于购物的对话。) *

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