
Unit 7 Topic 2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. Section A 课件37张PPT+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:48次 大小:43265991Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. Section A Welcome to Our International Food Festival! Enjoy delicious food! 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Sunday,May 16th On the playground of Beijing International School Help Free the Children raise money to build a new school in Kenya. He works for the rights of children. Let's make Craig's dream come true! Time: Place: 新单词 课文部分 垃圾食品 练习与总结 Content 01 02 03 04 Do you like travelling? Warming Up 新单词 01 oil n.油 New words cut /k?t/ v.切 切碎,剁碎 cut up n. 炊具(锅,炉灶等) cooker [?k?k?] pan n.平底锅 You should fry the tofu lightly. fry v.用油煎,用油炸 adv. 轻微地,轻轻地 lightly [?la?tli ] 垃圾食品 junk food They are junk food,so we shouldn't eat too much. bowln.碗,盒 n.面条noodle a bowl of noodles一碗面条 pork n.猪肉 ham n.火腿 onion n.洋葱 adv. 健康地 healthily ['helθ?li] adv. 微小地,细微地 finely [?fa?nli] Group A 课文部分 02 Listen,look and say. 1a Kangkang:Mom, I'd like to make fried rice for our food festival. But I'm not sure whether I can cook it well.Mother:I'm glad that you are trying to help others. I'm proud of you! Would you like me to help you?Kangkang:Yes, please. It's very kind of you.Mother:Look. It's easy, Kangkang. But you must cook very carefully. First, cut some cooked meat very finely.Kangkang:Like this?Mother:Yes. Well done! Next, you need to put some oil in the pan. Then fry the meat lightly.Kangkang:What do I need to do after that?Mother:You need to add the rice slowly. Fry it for a few minutes. Finally, add some salt.Kangkang:Yeah! Cooking is fun! It's very nice of you.你真是太好了(太感谢你了)。 常用于表扬、赞美对方,也可用于对对方所做的事表示感谢。 cooked meat 熟肉 cooked 是过去分词,相当于形容词作定语。 Well done!干得好! 表示表扬和鼓励的句子。 类似的还有: Very good ! 非常好!Wonderful ! 非常好 Excellent ! 好极了! Perfect ! 太棒了!Keep trying ! 继续努力!You can do it ! 你能行! Key points Would you like me to help you?要我帮忙吗? Would you like表达邀请或者主动要求。 I'd like to make fried rice for our food festival.我想为我们的美食节做炒饭。 would like to do 表达意愿,想要 I'm not sure whether I can cook it well. 我不确定我能不能把它煮好。 whether是否,表示不确定,引导的宾语从句是表达疑问。 I'm glad that you are trying to help others. 我很高兴你试着去帮助别人。 be+形容词+连接词that,that可以省略,that引导的宾语从句陈述事实。 这两个句子都是形容词后接宾语从句。 Next, you need to put some oil in the pan. 接下来,你需要在锅里放一些油。 need to do sth. 需要做某事;这里的need 做实义动词。 在作文里面我们经常可以用到first,second... finally这些表示先后顺序的词,使文章显得更加的 连贯,层次清晰,有逻辑。这里的next 相当于 second,也是这个用法。 Listen to 1a and complete the table. fried rice Ingredient Step 1.cooked meat 2. _____ 3._____ 4._____ First,____some cooked meat very finely. _____, put some oil in the pan. Then,fry the meat lightly. After that, add the rice slowl ... ...

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