
Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Culture and cartoon time 课件+素材(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:92次 大小:52993204Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit7 Summer holiday plans Culture time & Cartoon time Brain storm(头脑风暴) When you see the interesting place, speak it out loudly. 大声说出你所看到的景点 Brain storm(头脑风暴) the US the PRC Canada the UK Australia the Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷 Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 Uluru 乌鲁鲁巨石 Requirement: Work in pairs. (要求:两人一组,讨论并试着连一连) Try to match You’ll find _____ in _____. Niagara Falls the Grand Canyon Uluru Buckingham Palace Try to say travel book Where can you find out about these interesting places? Try to say Bobby is reading a travel book, too. Guess: What’s Bobby’s dream(梦想)? Cartoon time Dream? Bobby wants to be a traveller. Bobby wants to… ? ? ? (旅行者) Let’s guess! travel around the world (环游世界) Look and say Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam. Travel plans? (旅行计划) Look and say the UK ( ) ( ) ( ) What are Bobby’s plans(计划)? the US Australia He will go … Tips:当你想表达事情发生的先后顺序时,你可说:First,… Next,… Then,… …, I’ll go … Look and say cowboy 牛仔 gentleman 绅士 baby kangaroo 袋鼠宝宝 Why does Bobby want to go to the UK, the US and Australia? Tip: 小组讨论,这样说: Bobby wants to go to... because he wants to be... Think and say How will they get there? Watch and find How will they get there? Watch and find How will they get there? Watch and find Why ? ? ? ? Tips:如果你是Sam,知道Bobby要乘坐出租 车去旅游,你会说些什么呢? Imagine Are you joking? (你在开玩笑吗?) You can’t get there. You should go there by plane. I won’t go there with you! Humorous 幽默的 What do you think of Bobby? Let’s discuss! ( 你认为Bobby是一个什么样的人?) Funny 滑稽的 Unrealistic 不切实际的 Ignorant 无知的 . . . Reading time Bobby is reading a travel book. I want to be a traveller and travel around the world. Reading time Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam. I'll visit many places. Will you go with me, Sam? Yes, I will. What are your plans? First, I'll go to the UK. Next, I'll go to the US. Then, I'll go to Australia. Reading time Sam is excited about Bobby's plans. That sounds great! I'll go with you. How will we get to the UK, Bobby? Let's take a taxi. Act the story 表演整个故事 Tips:小组内三人一组,一人扮演Bobby,一人扮演Sam ,最后一人说旁白,可以加上自己的语言进行表演哦!注意语音语调! Read in roles 分角色读 Read and act Where will you go for this summer holiday? the US Canada the UK Japan China Australia If you will have a graduation(毕业) travel. … Think and say Where When How long How What Think and write Tips:四人一组,讨论毕业旅行计划,最后由一人展示。 Enjoy the cartoon 去旅行吧!你将发现这个世界很迷人。 Go for a travel and you will find that the world is fascinating. Homework 1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently. 2、Finish your graduation travel plans. ... ...

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