
Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero 同步练习 (带微写作,无听力试题)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:38次 大小:37376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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随堂检测: Ⅰ单句填空:根据汉语意思填单词或用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. _____ (质量) often matters more than quantity. 2. It is unfair that he gets so little in _____ (报酬) for his hard work. 3. The best we can hope for is a state of _____ (和平) coexistence (共处) between East and West. 4. I take it seriously because it’s a matter of _____ (原则). 5. The man is a _____ (大方的) person who has given away a large sum of money to help the poor children. 6. The robber killed a man and was _____ (sentence) to life imprisonment. 7. The _____ (cruel) of his words cut her like a knife. 8. Boys and girls should be treated _____ (equal). 9. It’s _____ (legal) to hunt tigers in many countries. 10. His _____ (self) wins the praise of all his neighbors. Ⅱ完成句子 1. Two police officers were killed when his car _____. (爆炸) 2. He _____ (建立) his own business after he graduated from university. 3. Only when I _____ (离开父母) for America _____(我才意识到) how much I loved them. 4. _____ (第一次) I heard of the great scientist, I was moved by his devotion to the research. 5. We _____ (已经达….. 境地) we can understand each other quite well even though we don’t speak the same language. Ⅲ 课文语法填空 阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。 Elias began school at six. The school _____(1) he studied for only two years was three kilometers away. His family was _____(2) poor that he had to leave school. Then he got a job in _____ (3) gold mine. This was a time _____ (4) one had got to have a passbook (5)_____ (live) in Johannesburg. He didn’t get one, so he was afraid he would be out (6)_____ work. (7) _____ (luck), he met Nelson Mandela, who told him how to get the correct papers. Later, Elias (8)_____ (help) Nelson to blow up some government buildings. It was dangerous, but he was happy because he knew (9)_____ was to achieve their dream of making black and white people (10) _____ (equality). 微写作: 作为律师,我挚爱我的工作。在大家处于困境时, 我乐意不计报酬为大家提供帮助。事实上,很多人就法律问题向我求助。只有通过建立更多的法律援助机构(law aid institution), 才能实现这个目标(achieve the goal), 即法律面前人人平等(倒装句)。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 _____ Keys 随堂检测 1. Quality 2. reward 3. peaceful 4. principle 5. generous 6. sentenced 7. cruelty 8. equally 9. illegal 10. selflessness 1. blew up 2. set up 3. left my parents; did I realize 4. The first time 5. have reached a point/ have been in the position where 1. where 2. so 3. a 4 when 5. to live 6. of 7.Luckily 8. helped 9. it 10. equal 微写作 As a lawyer, I’m devoted to my job. I’m willing to give a hand without rewards when people are in trouble. As a matter of fact, a lot of people turn to me for legal advice. Only by setting up more law aid institutions can we achieve the goal that all people are equal before the law. ... ...

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