
外研版选修9 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Reading and vocabulary 课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:2198937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome everyone ! Why do we need dictionaries ? (Period one) Learning aims: 1. To have a general knowledge of Samuel’s dictionary and the Oxford dictionary. 2. To summarize the lexicographer—Samuel and his dictionary. 3. To learn to predict. 4. To have the awareness of cherishing the dictionary culture and the world culture. Guess the word definition A system of communication in speech and writing that is used by the people of a particular country or area. language Guess A book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings in the same or another language. dictionary Passage1 Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary Passage 2 The Oxford English Dictionary Predict: What will be mentioned in this passage according to the topic Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary Passage1 Samuel Johnson How he produced the dictionary? Who is Samuel Johnson? Introduction (One--sentence summary) To evaluate his dictionary How did he produce his dictionary? Born in Britain, Samuel Johnson, a critic, poet, biographer and lexicographer compiled the first real dictionary of the English language published in Britain. occupation/profession nationality his achievements _____ _____ _____ _____ criticize By using Nathan Bailey's Dictionarium Britannicum as the basis of his new dictionary . How did he produce the dictionary ? While Johnson's dictionary containing 40000 words was the first to illustrate the meanings by using literary quotations , it had some faults. explain sth by giving examples Faults old-fasioned, giving no help with pronunciation, using older spellings Passage 2 : The Oxford English Dictionary Please read the passage and find out the reason why it is not a person's name. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary Trench James Murray Furnivall volunteers Coleridge They had a conversation about producing a new dictionary in 1857. They wrote words and expressions on “Quotation slips” and send them to an editor. He improved the filing system when he became the editor, and…. The oxford University Press agreed to publish the dictionary in 1879. Thanks to the people who devoted themselves to the dictionary, we can take advantage of it. They began to make the dictionary available online by the 1990s. Participants Events The three man Volunteers James Murray The oxford University Press The publishers Get close to the job--lexicography Watch the video Experience the job as a lexicographer Tips: entry: the headword plus its article including definitions, pronunciations, examples of usage, etc. 词条 Your dictionary ( the front cover, one headword and its entry) Treasure the dictionary culture. Cherish the culture of the world. Homework 1. Write down several sentences in your microblog to express your feelings after knowing the history of the two dictionaries. 2. Polish the dictionary that you produce (You can choose either of them)

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