
Unit 6 Work quietly PA Let’s learn 优质公开课课件+教案+练习+动画素材(28张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:23407184Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Work quietly PA Let's learn 人教PEP 五年级下册 Let's watch eating eat Game time running run jumping jump flying fly dancing dance walking walk playing play sleeping sleep climbing climb drinking drink 打气球:你能快速说出并拼读出他们的现在分词就能打破气球哦! Revision Role play What are you doing, Robin? I'm ...like... Presentation It's 6:00 a.m. What's Chen Jie doing? She is doing morning exercises. doing morning exercises 主语是第三人称单数, be动词用is Presentation What is he doing? He is _____. doing morning exercises do 直接加ing doing 主语是第三人称单数, be动词用is Presentation It's 9:00 a.m. What's Chen Jie doing? She is having English class. having ... class 主语是第三人称单数, be动词用is Presentation What are they doing? They are _____. having Chinese class have 去e加ing having 主语是复数, be动词用are Presentation It's 11:30 a.m. What's Chen Jie doing? She is eating lunch. eating lunch Presentation What are they doing? They are _____. eating lunch eat 直接加ing eating 主语是复数, be动词用are Presentation It's 4:00 p.m. What's Chen Jie doing? She is reading a book. reading a book Presentation What are you doing? I am _____. reading a book read 直接加ing reading 主语是第二人称, be动词用are 主语是I, be动词用am Presentation It's 7:30 p.m. What's Chen Jie doing? She is listening to music. listening to music Presentation What is Mike doing? Mike is _____. listening to music listen 直接加ing listening 主语是第三人称单数, be动词用is 根据指令快速读出短语哦! Game time eating lunch reading a book having...class reading a book listening to music eating lunch doing morning exercises listening to music 快速读出出现的单词,看到炸弹要说“bomb嘭”。 doing morning exercises having...class Game time Listen, number and match Practice eating lunch reading a book doing morning esercises ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 ( ) 5 listening to music having... class Presentation It's 7:30 p.m. _____ _____? She is _____. It's 9 o'clock. _____ _____? Ask and answer 1. 同桌之间练习对话。 2. 创编新对话。 (有表情、语气、动作表演对话) Look and say What's Chen Jie doing listening to music What are the students doing 1. What are you doing? 回答: I am/We are+动词-ing形式(+其他) e.g. -What are you doing? - I am reading a book. 现在进行时,是询问某人现在正在做什么事?句型结构一般是: Language point 2. What is+三单主语+ doing? 回答:三单主语+is+动词-ing形式(+其他) e.g. -What is John doing? - He is eating lunch. 3. What are+复数主语+ doing? 回答:复数主语+are+动词-ing形式(+其他) e.g. -What are the students doing? - They're doing morning exercises. Look and say Practice Mike ___ _____. Sarah and Chen Jie ___ _____. is listening to music are eating lunch 先根据主语确定 be动词, 然后确定现在分词短语 ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 6 ( ) 3 ( ) 5 ( ) 4 _____is/are _____. Listen, number and say! Practice Ask and answer What is/are ...doing? He/she is... They're ... summary doing morning exercises, ha ... ...

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