
U11What's the weather like? 课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:11715584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 6 Weather Unit11 What’s the weather like? Rain Rain Go Away Rain rain, go away. Come again another day. Little children want to play. Rain rain, go away. Phonics Try to say the word you know. a_e e_e i_e oo i u ow ea ou o ai igh 1. w__ nd 2. cl__ __d 3. r__ __ n 4. sn __ __ 5. s __ n i o u a i o w u 名词 听音写词 Oh, children! You did a good job! I’m May. I’m good at reporting the weather. I have a present for you. Learning tips: n. + y = adj. rain rainy cloud sun wind snow cloudy sunny windy snowy 由名词+y结尾=形容天气的形容词 +y Children! You are so smart! What’s the weather like today? It is rainy and wet. wet What’s the weather like today? It is ____ and ____. rainy wet What’s like It is snowy and cold. cold _____ the weather ____ today? What’s like It is snowy. _____ the weather ____ today? What’s like It is_____. _____ the weather ____ today? snowy and cold It is sunny. What’s the weather like? It is sunny and hot. hot What’s the weather like today? dry It is sunny and dry. What’s the weather like today? It is windy. How’s the weather? It is windy and cool. How’s the weather? It is windy and cool. How’s the weather? It is cloudy. How’s the weather? It is cloudy and warm. How’s the weather? What’s the weather like (today)? / How’s the weather? It is … . Listen and write! P64 Peter is on holiday at the weekend. He wants to have a trip in China. So he listens to the weather report. cold and snowy cool and dry warm and wet hot and sunny cloudy and windy How’s the weather? It’s windy. How’s the weather? It’s sunny. What’s the weather like? It’s rainy and wet . Welcome to Orange TV. Now it is the Weather Report in China. Guangzhou It is rainy and wet in Guangzhou. Put on your umbrella or raincoat. Wear sweaters and trousers. It is cloudy and cold in Shenyang. Shenyang It is snowy and cold in Beijing. Beijing Wear jackets and jeans. Wear coats and trousers. It is windy and dry in Nanjing. Nanjing Wear T-shirts and shorts or skirt. It is sunny and hot in Haikou. Haikou Wear shirts and jeans. It is cloudy and windy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Weather Report Hello.Here is Tom reporting for you. It's sunny and hot in Beijing. We can put on our sun glasses. Have a nice day. See you! Let’s try! Weather Report Hello.Here is _____ reporting for you. It's_____ in _____. We can _____. Have a nice day. See you!

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