
Unit 5 What can we learn from others? Reading 课件(25张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:65次 大小:41702912Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Fisherman and the Fish Module 2 Unit 5 What can we learn from others? Group work Jigsaw game Before we read 3 5 1 6 2 4 1 2 3 Once upon a time in Russia, there lived an old fisherman and his wife. They were poor and lived in an old, mud hut near the sea. One morning, something unusual happened while the fisherman was at work. He caught a small, golden fish in his net. The fish to let him go and offered to . However, the man was kind and asked for nothing before returning the fish to the sea. 4 While we read 4-1 grant the fisherman any wish in return begged the fisherman Where did this story take place? Who is the story about? Where did the fisherman and his wife live? What unusual thing happened to the fisherman one morning? How did the golden fish beg the fisherman to let him go? Was the fisherman a greedy man? In Russia. An old fisherman, a golden fish and his wife. In an old, mud hut near the sea. The golden fish he caught begged him to let him go. By granting the fisherman any wish in return. No, he wasn’t. The man went home and told his wife about the fish. She shouted at him angrily and called him a fool for not making a wish. She sent him back to the sea to catch the fish and ask for a new because their was broken. The Sun was shining as the man met the fish again and when he returned, he saw a new . But the fisherman’s wife was still not happy and wanted a new house. The weather was getting bad as the man explained to the fish about his rude wife. The fish comforted him and promised to .When he returned, he saw a nice, new . 4-2 1 2 3 4 grant the second wish bucket bucket bucket cottage Group work Based on Para.2, can you raise one question in your group? The man went home and told his wife about the fish. She shouted at him angrily and called him a fool for not making a wish. She sent him back to the sea to catch the fish and ask for a new bucket because their bucket was broken. The Sun was shining as the man met the fish again and when he returned, he saw a new. But the fisherman’s wife was still not happy and wanted a new house. The weather was getting bad as the man explained to the fish about his rude wife. The fish comforted him and promised to grant the second wish. When he returned, he saw a nice, new cottage. 4-2 What does a mayor usually do? What is a mayor dressed in? What is a mayor? Before we move on to Paragraph 3, let’s keep these questions in mind. 4-3 The next day, his wife said that she wanted to be mayor of the city. The waves were getting big and the sky was becoming dark as the man apologized to the golden fish. Again, like the wishes before, this wish was granted. When he returned, he found his wife dressed in expensive clothes and giving orders to servants. She told her husband that he still had to sleep in the hut even though she now had a bigger house. She was a very greedy woman and the following week she demanded to be queen of all the lan ... ...

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