
外研版英语八年级下Module 3 Journey to space模块测试题(含答案无听力题)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:13531Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 笔试部分(100分) 一、 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) ( )1. —Hi, Jim. What are you ____ to? —I'm busy reviewing for my physics test. A. on B. from C. with D. up ( )2. In the school, I asked one boy and two girls about the name of their headmaster, but ____ of them could help me. A. neither B. none C. both D. all ( )3. His joke is ____ to make us all ____ . A. enough funny; laugh B. funny enough; laugh C. enough funny; to laugh D. funny enough; to laugh ( )4. There are about three ____ students in our school. A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. thousand of ( )5. —Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it? —In April. I ____ it for two months. A. have had B. had C. have bought D. bought ( )6. Hi, guys, please write three facts you ____ last term in your project. A. learned B. are learning C. have learned D. learn ( )7. In order ____ for the meeting, I set up three alarms to wake me up. A. not to be late B. not being late C. to be late D. being late ( )8. —Why won't we play basketball with Class 4 this afternoon? —Because they ____ Longzhong for a study trip. A. have gone to B. have been to C. had gone to D. had been to ( )9. We want to ____ more information about the Milky Way. A. invent B. search for C. avoid D. count ( )10. —Mum, there's something wrong with my alarm clock. Could you wake me up tomorrow morning? —____ , dear. A. I hope so B. I don't mind it C. No problem D. Not at all 二、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分) How much do you learn about the solar system? The following passage will tell you. The earth is a planet. It as well as seven __11__ planets goes around the sun. We __12__ the eight planets and the sun the solar system. The first planet, __13__ the sun, is Mercury(水星). It is 58 million __14__ from the sun. Venus(金星) is the second planet next to the sun, and _15__ planet, the earth, is the third. It is 150 million kilometers from the sun. Jupiter(木星), Saturn(土星), Neptune(海王星) and Uranus(天王星) are all __16__ than the earth, __17__ Venus, Mars and Mercury are smaller than the earth. Animals, trees and humans can only __18__ on the earth—the other planets in our solar system do not __19__ air or water. Do any planets in other galaxies have __20__? We don't know about it. ( )11. A. else B. others C. other D. another ( )12. A. know B. call C. take D. pick ( )13. A. next to B. before C. out of D. in front of ( )14. A. years B. hours C. meters D. kilometers ( )15. A. our B. their C. her D. his ( )16. A. lighter B. bigger C. shorter D. safer ( )17. A. but B. or C. and D. so ( )18. A. knock B. try C. live D. land ( )19. A. have B. bring C. fill D. join ( )20. A. planet B. system C. galaxy D. life 三、阅读理解。(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) A Venus is only a little smaller than the earth, about 95% of the earth's diameter(直径) and 80% of the earth's mass(质量). The word Venus means the goddess of love and beauty in Greek. We name the planet so probably because ... ...

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