
冀教版(三年级起点)四年级下册英语期末复习总结自测试卷四 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:38次 大小:126624Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四下期末复习总结自测卷四 一、单项选择。 (  )1.How do_____ go to school? A. you   B. your   C. he (  )2.—_____ do you like to do? —Fly kites. A. How B. Where C. What (  )3.Is your home_____ the park? A. far B. near C. to (  )4.She is one_____. A. year old   B. years old C. old year (  )5.Does she_____ school? A. go B. walk C. walk to (  )6.—Is your father tall or short? —_____ A. Yes, he is.    B. No, he isn't. C. He is tall. (  )7.—When is your _____ birthday? —Today is his birthday. A. brother's    B. sister's C. brother (  )8.I _____ to school. What about you? A. by bike    B. ride a bike C. by car (  )9.My sister_____ dance. A. like B. like to C. likes to (  )10.My father often _____ me to school. A. drives B. rides C. walks 二、选择合适的单词填空,完成句子。 1. Lily's birthday is _____ October 6. 2. Danny goes to school _____ bus. 3. I like _____ play with my toys. 4. Are you tall _____ short? 5. My house is far _____ the park. 三、选择合适的疑问词(组)填空,完成对话。 1. —_____ is your mother? —She is 38 years old. 2. —_____ is your sister? —She is 1.45 metres tall. 3. —_____ do you like to do? —I like to read books. 4. —_____ is your birthday? —It is in December. 5. —_____ do you live? —I live in Shanghai. 6. —_____ do you go to school? —By bus. 四、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。 (  )1.I like brown. A. colour  B. blue   C. clothes (  )2.Their favourite colour is red. A. we B. they C. our (  )3.I like to listen to music. A. music B. play C. song (  )4.My favourite subject is art. A. science B. picture C. draw (  )5.I like chicken for lunch. A. red B. dinner C. noodles 五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The dog _____(like) meat for lunch. 2. Does Lily like _____(draw) pictures? 3. She is _____(read) a book. 4. Kim and Lucy _____(love) music. 5. What's _____(you) favourite colour? 六、连词成句。 1. favourite blue Their is colour _____. 2. in I have the morning at breakfast 7:00 _____. 3. school near My is park the _____. 4. snowy in and cold It's December _____. 5. in of Kim the tree is front _____. 七、给下列答语选择合适的问句。 (  )1.Yes, I am. (  )2.Sure.I also like science. (  )3.I like rice and vegetables for lunch. (  )4.I like yellow best. (  )5.My favourite clothes are shirts. 八、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Linda: My name is Linda. I’m ten. My birthday is December 17.I’m 1.4 metres tall. I go to school by bus. I like to play with my toys. Steven: My name is Steven. I’m eleven. I’m 1.5 metres tall. My birthday is October 10. I walk to school. And I like to play ping-pong with my friends. (  )1.Linda is shorter than Steven. (  )2.Linda is older than Steven. (  )3.Linda goes to school on foot. (  )4.Steven's birthday is in October. (  )5.Steven likes to play ping-pong. 九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hi, my name is Amy. I'm eleven years old. I'm wearing a red cap. My favourite colour is red. And caps are my favourite clothe ... ...

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