
Unit 6 The Animal Kingdom Lesson 18 An Animal Story 课件(共45张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:4295408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 The Animal Kingdom Lesson 18 An Animal Story 教学目标 1.利用思维导图梳理、概括并整合John &Anthony 将Christian 带回家、送走并两次去探望的信息 2. 分析John &Anthony及Christian一系列动作及方式,理解并推断Christian与人之间的情感 3. 以答记者问或以狮子独白的方式口述故事,深入理解人与动物间的关系 4. 树立人与动物和谐相处的价值观 Lead-in 01 Brainstorm Brainstorm hurt grow What was the lion going to do? What were their relationships? Watch the video Hug Pre-reading 02 Pre-reading testify their relationships While-reading 03 Read the first paragraph and answer: 1 When did the story happen? 2 Who were they? 3 What did they do? 1st reading Would you take the lion home? Please imagine if you were John or Anthony: 1st reading 1.What would happen later? 2.Would Christian grow very quickly? Please guess: 1st reading Would you take Christian to Africa? Please imagine if you were John or Anthony: 1st reading Read the second paragraph and answer: When? 1 What happened to Christian? 2 What did John and Anthony do? 3 1st reading Would you take Christian to Africa? Please imagine if you were John or Anthony: 1st reading What would happen to Christian? Please think: if you took Christian to the zoo: 1st reading 1. When did it happen 2. What did John and Anthony do? Read the third paragraph and answer: 1st reading Would you go to Africa to see him? Please imagine if you were John or Anthony: 1st reading What would happen later? Would Christian have his own child? Please guess: 1st reading 1. When did it happen? 2. What did John and Anthony do? 3. What happened to Christian? Read the fourth paragraph and answer: 1st reading Would you take your baby to see John and Anthony? Please imagine if you Christian: 1st reading An Animal Story 1 2 3 4 They took Christian home. They took Christian to Africa. They went to Africa to see Christian for the first time. They went to Africa to see Christian for the se time. 1st reading 2nd reading In 1969, John Rendall and his friend Anthony Bourke saw a _____ little baby lion in a shop in London. cute Christian lived with John and Anthony happily for about a year. He was never angry and he was not _____. dangerous However, he became very big. He was very _____ and heavy, too. strong At first, it was not _____, but slowly, he learned and did well. easy John and Anthony were _____ to leave him, but they were also happy to see Christian live freely in Africa. sad Draw the mind map of the story 2nd reading 3rd reading How did they look after Christian? How did they feel? They looked after him very well. They took him for walks and played with him. They drove him around the city and even took him to the beach. 3rd reading Were Christian happy when he lived with John and Anthony? Christian lived with John and Anthony happily. 3rd reading Why did they take Christian to Africa? How did they feel? Because he grew quickly and became big. 3rd reading Was it easy for Christian to l ... ...

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