
外研版必修四Module 4 Great Scientists写作课教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:22次 大小:286722Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson plan for Great Scientists Basic information Type of the lesson Writing Teaching material This lesson is taken from Module 4 “Great Scientists” section, Reading and Writing,which is published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Material analysis Writing topic: This period,we will talk about how to write a biography of a famous person in a narrative way. Students are required to collect some information and learn more about the basic structures of a biography of introducing a scientist after learning the course.2. Linguistic items: (1) Using vocabularies,expressions and sentence structures of Module 4 to introduce a famous scientist.(2) A basic structure and outline of how to write a biography about a scientist.3. Cultural information: Based on the basic information about the scientists and their achievements, guide students to appreciate their outstanding contribution of human civilization and learn from the great scientists in the process of writing. Learners analysis 1. Main idea: (1) Ss have basic realization about great scientists and have the general ideas about how to write a passage and the basic structures of a passage.(2) But they don’t know the detail of the scientists’ achievements and lifetime and how to organize their own language properly when writing.(3)Ss should and are able to describe the Scientists’ story and their main achievements by using the words, expressions and sentence structures of Module 4 to write a passage.2. Linguistic items: (1) Ss can collect the main facts of a famous scientist.(2) Ss don’t know how to write a biography.(3) Ss should and can know that how to collect information, organize the writing order and use the words and structures in writing.3. Cultural information: (1) They have already receipted some information about the famous scientists and their inventions in the last reading course.(2) They don’t know the details of the great scientists’ lifetime.(3)They should and are able to reinforce their comprehension of great scientist and achievements and learn from them. Teaching objectives By the end of this lesson, Ss are able to :Linguistic competency:(1)Use the words, expressions and sentence structures of Module 4 to write a passage about a famous person properly:E.g. devote oneself to/ make contributions to…be famous for/received /be awarded…be interested in/be fond of…win the Nobel Prize(2) To develop a good writing habit of describing a scientist and his/her contributions2.Culture awareness:1.To value the scientists’ spirits of exploring in the area of science.2.Guide the students to learn scientific spirits from the great scientists.3.Thinking quality:To clarify the logical thinking ability when rewriting a biography about a scientist.4.Learning ability:(1) Learn to work cooperatively with others.(2)To make use of the library or internet to acquire more knowledge about scientists so as to further study.(3) To integrate the writing skills to write a biography about a s ... ...

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