
外研版英语八年级下Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese .课件(18张PPT无素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:34次 大小:7271317Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Module 1 Feelings and impressions Chant Look, look, look, I use my eyes to look. Listen, listen, listen, I use my ears to listen. Taste, taste, taste, I use my mouth to taste. Smell, smell, smell, I use my nose to smell. Feel, feel, feel, I use my hands to feel. 1 2 3 4 What a delicious smell ! I'm afraid.... Have a try! have a sweet tooth Read and translate 5 6 7 8 in the middle a bit sour cook different things make an apple pie 多美味的味道啊! 我恐怕。。。 试一试! 爱吃甜食 在中间 有点酸 烹饪不同的食物 做一个苹果派 Question How can we describe the people? glasses How does the boy look like? He . wears glasses jeans How does the woman look like? She jeans. wears long fair hair How does the girl look like? She . short straight hair has long fair hair/short straight hair tall/short How does the boy look like? He is . How does the girl look like? She is . tall short tall, short, strong, thin... build old, young... age jeans, T-shirt, dress... clothes light, dark... skin long, short, fair, straight, red, black... hair wear glasses, big eyes... features How to describle a person? Practice (Activity 1) glasses jeans long nervous fair pretty proud short stranger tall young (a)What are your hobbies? (b)How do you feel about coming to China? (c)What do you look like? Match the questions with the paragraphs Paragraph 1-2 Who is Sally? Hobbies Paragraph 3 What are Sally's hobbies? I spend _____ a lot of time playing classical music dance music sports tennies but I also like _____ --I love dancing. I enjoy _____ as well, especially_____ . sad a bit sad shy sorry afraid When she … , She feels… gets bad marks leaves her mum and dad is with strangers speaks Chinese does something wrong travels by plane Paragraph 4 nervous fair hobby mark message proud Jenny is my classmate. She is pretty and has _____ hair. She always gets good _____ at school. She has lots of _____ like playing the piano and swimming. She is also in the school tennis team. She is good at everything. One day she sent me a _____ . She asked me to help her with her English homework because I am good at English. She wanted my help! I was _____ of myself. fair mark hobbies message proud Choose and fill in the blanks build age clothes skin hair 1 2 3 4 5 6 features Guessing Game Discuss with you group and describe a person in the class. Other groups made guesses about who was described. Write a message to your pen friend and describe yourself, including What you look like... How you feel when.. What your hobbies are... Homework Thanks!

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