
Unit 4 Seasons and Weather Lesson 10 Weather in Beijing 课件(共18张PPT,无音频)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:98次 大小:3169280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Seasons and Weather Lesson10 Weather in Beijing How many months in a year? January February March April May June July August September October November December How many seasons in a year? Seasons Spring Winter Summer Autumn January February March April May June July August September October November December Seasons spring summer winter autumn Different sceneries(风景) a b c d the Summer Palace颐和园 the Great Wall 长城 the Fragrant Hills Park 香山 Ti’anmen Square 天安门广场 Reading work-1st reading Read the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures a d b c Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 2nd reading-Complete the table. Months Weather Clothes Famous places Dec.-Feb. Very 1_____ You need to wear 2____、3____and a scarf. the Great Wall -not many 4_____ Mar. 5_____ You can wear 8_____ and 9_____ Ti’anmen square -lots of people -windy, good for flying 10_____ Apr. 6_____ May 7_____ Jun.-Aug. Very 11_____ 12_____hard T-shirts, shorts and skirts. the Summer Palace -a favourite place for 13_____ Sept.-Nov. 14 _____and dry trainers or 15_____shoes the Fragrant Hills Park -16 _____with colourful leaves Complete the table. cold an overcoat tourists gloves Months Weather Clothes Famous places Dec.-Feb. Very 1_____ You need to wear 2_____、3_____and a scarf. the Great Wall -not many 4_____ Complete the table. cool warm hot light clothes sweaters kites Months Weather Clothes Famous places Mar. 5_____ You can wear 8_____ and 9_____ Ti’anmen square -lots of people -windy, good for flying 10_____ Apr. 6_____ May 7_____ Complete the table. hot rains tourists Months Weather Clothes Famous places Jun.-Aug. Very 11_____ 12_____hard T-shirts, shorts and skirts. the Summer Palace -a favourite place for 13_____ Complete the table. cool trees comfortable Months Weather Clothes Famous places Sept.-Nov. 14 _____and dry trainers or 15_____shoes the Fragrant Hills Park -16 _____with colourful leaves Read the passage after the tape. Read in groups post reading-retelling work cold an overcoat tourists gloves cool warm hot light clothes sweaters kites hot rains tourists cool trees comfortable Months Weather Clothes Famous places Dec.-Feb. Very 1_____ You need to wear 2_____、3_____and a scarf. the Great Wall -not many 4_____ Mar. 5_____ You can wear 8_____ and 9_____ Ti’anmen square -lots of people -windy, good for flying 10_____ Apr. 6_____ May 7_____ Jun.-Aug. Very 11_____ 12_____hard T-shirts, shorts and skirts. the Summer Palace -a favourite place for 13_____ Sept.-Nov. 14 _____and dry trainers or 15_____shoes the Fragrant Hills Park -16 _____with colourful leaves post reading-retelling work cold an overcoat tourists gloves Example: Winter is from….It’s…. You need to….. Months Weather Clothes Famous places Dec.-Feb. Very 1_____ You need to wear 2_____、3_____and a scarf. the Great Wall -not many 4_____ Discussion (讨论) What’s your favourite season in Beijing? Why? ... ...

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