
牛津版八年级下册8B Unit 5 Good manners单元基础知识练习(有答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:11次 大小:60928Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级下册Unit 5单元基础知识练习 一、词汇 1.Children should learn more about (礼仪)now. 2.We can’t drop (垃圾)on the ground. 3. (管理)a company is much harder than you think. 4.The English book was so popular that 20000 (册)were sold out in a week. 5.It’s the (丑陋的)city I have ever seen in this beautiful country. 6.I hope you will (原谅)me for being so late. 7.These pages aren’t in their (适当的)order. \\ 8.The litter boy can’t (表达)himself clearly. 9.Suzy always writes down all the main (要点). 10.Blow out the (蜡烛)and make a wish,Angela. 11.You need more social (实践)before you get a job. 12.Our teacher is good at (解释)new words easily. 13.It is important to know the (目的)of listening to the talk this afternoon. 14.We haven’t reached the final (总结)on this matter so far. 15.He wants to avoid that (疼痛). 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Don’t leave the tap (run), you shouldn’t waste water. 2.Parents should teach their children to behave (proper) in public. 3.I didn’t know anything about it so I just kept (quietly). 4.With the help of the computer, Daniel has designed a lot of toys (success). 5.It was raining hard, but the workers kept (work). 6.Would you please (not walk) your dog here? 7.The boy risked (rush) into the burning house to save the old woman. 8.The policeman warns the drivers (not drive)cars after drinking wine. 9.People in the house made a fire (get) warm. 10.Different books can give us different (use) information. 11.John was too excited (say) what happened to him clearly. 12.The child is old enough (dress)himself without his mother’s help. 13.By (send)messages to each other, we have learnt some interesting stories about our school. 14.The book (write)by Mr Smith is popular among the young. 15. Now humans are not able (prevent) the bad weather. 三、单项选择 ( )1.I don’t think it’s to have a birthday party. A.enough special B.special enough C.specially enough D.enough specially ( )2.Mr Cooper is tired do anything this morning. A.so;that B.too;to C.both;and D.so;as ( )3.--What’s on the card? --It “ Happy Birthday!” A.writes B.tells C.says D.speaks ( )4.I like Maths and she likes Maths . A.either B.as well as C.as well D.so well ( )5.I couldn’t get through because your car was . A.on my way B.in my way C.in some ways D.by the way ( )6.-- have you known about table manners in western countries? --Not much, really. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much ( )7.I spent much time the maths problem her,but she still didn’t know how to work it out. A.on explaining;for B. in explaining;to C. explaining;for D.to explain;to ( )8.--Mrs Green,do you think I can get an “A”in the final exam if I start working hard now? --Of course. . A.Better late than never B.Many hands make light work C.You cannot burn the candle at both sides D.Actions speak louder than words ( )9.Man’s understanding of nature is developing .It never stays at the same level. A.at the right time B. for the first time C.from time to time D.all the time ... ...

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