
Unit 4 Then and now part B let’s talk 课件+素材(共21张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:85次 大小:17171697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Then and now PEP·六年级下册 Part B Let’s try & let’s talk Let’s enjoy a song 点击画面 播放视频 What’s your changes? Let’s try Mike’s friends are visiting his home. Listen and circle. 1.What are they talking about? A. Mike’s hobby. B. Mike’s old photos. 2.What grade was Mike in? A. Grade 1. B. Grade 5. 讨论,谈论 听力原文 Mike: Chen Jie, do you want to see my old photos? Chen Jie: Let me see. Oh! Haha! Your hair was so long. Mike: Yes. That was five years ago. Now it’s short. ① ② Chen Jie: John, come and look at Mike’s old photos!① John: That’s funny, Mike! You’re wearing a pink T-shirt.② 点击画面 播放视频 Let’s talk Mike: Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.③ How about you?④ Mike: Yes, but I don’t like pink now. Chen Jie: We are all different now! John: Well, I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.⑤ I like it very much. Chen Jie: That’s good exercise. How did Mike change? How did Mike change? Before he liked pink, but now he doesn’t like pink. Before, he was quiet, but now he is very active in class. How did John change? Before, he couldn’t ride his bike well. Now, he goes cycling every day. Think more before的用法 before在这里为副词,表示“(时间)以前, 早些时候,过去”。 例如:从前她很矮。 She was short before. Summary Play roles Talk about your friends or family members. How did they change? Before, I _____. Now, I _____. Before, My father _____. Now, my father _____. wasn’t tall/… had long/… hair didn’t wear glasses/… didn’t like maths/… didn’t like cats/… didn’t like eggs/… 参考 1 以前自己和他人的性格、爱好: —Before, I/she/he was... 现在自己和他人的性格、爱好 —Now, I/she/he am/is… 参考 2 Exercise 一、选词填空 different quiet active cycling exercise 1. You should do more _____. 2. We will go _____. 3. I have a _____ answer. 4. Alice is _____. She likes reading. 5. Mike is _____. He likes sports. exercise cycling different quiet active 二、给下列句子选择对应的翻译。 ( ) 1. I couldn’t ride my bike well. ( ) 2. That’s good exercise. A.以前他没有戴眼镜。 B.我自行车骑得不好。 C.现在我在课堂上很活跃。 D.那是很好的运动。 B D ( ) 3. He didn’t wear glasses before. ( ) 4. Now, I am active in my class. A.以前他没有戴眼镜。 B.我自行车骑得不好。 C.现在我在课堂上很活跃。 D.那是很好的运动。 A C 三、选词填空。 1. She’s _____(wears, wearing) a blue dress. 2. I _____(don’t, didn’t) like pink now. 3. Now, I _____(go, went) cycling every day. 4. She _____(wasn’t, didn’t) tall two years ago. wearing don’t go wasn’t 四、根据上下文内容,选择正确的句子填空, 使对话完整。 A. I had long hair before. B. Now, I’m very active in class. C. No, I went to school by bus before. D. Now, I like blue. E. We are both different now. Mary: Hi, John! You are so tall now. John: Yes. I was short before. 1._____ Mary: Right. 2._____ My hair is short now. John: Well. I didn’t like blue. 3._____ I buy many ... ...

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