
Unit 4 Then and now part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up Part C Story time 课件+素材(共46张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:16次 大小:27661072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Then and now PEP·六年级下册 Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up Part C Story time I can say with “then and now” The frog had a tail. Now it has no tail. Then: a tail Now: no tail Lead-in Then: long hair Now: short hair She had long hair. Now she has short hair. Then: play the guitar Now: play basketball He played the guitar. Now he plays basketball. Let’s check Listen and number. 3 1 2 Cross out the words you didn’t hear. gym dining hall grass cycling ice-skating badminton 听力原文 Many years ago, I went to this school. I went to school by bike. I loved cycling. Nowadays, many students go by bus or car. We didn’t have computer games then or computers. So we often played ① badminton in the summer and went ice-skating in the winter. We had a great time. After school, I often went to the park and read under a tree. It was so beautiful there. ② ③ It was an egg. Now it is a hen. It was raining. Now it is sunny. Changes are all around us. Talk about the changes below. Let’s wrap it up There was a building before. Now there is a park. In summer, the tree was green. Now the tree is yellow. The cat was on the chair. Now the cat is under the chair. Chen Jie was short. Now she is 1.5 metres tall. Story time Read and answer the questions. What’s the passage about? A. Changes in cooking. B. Changes in the earth. C. Changes in whales. D. Changes in cooking, the earth and whales. Read picture 1-3 and answer. 1. Did cavemen cook their food? 2. Who will cook, clean and wash the dishes in 2050? No, they didn’t. House robots. Cavemen often ate raw meat. They didn’t cook their food. (形容词)生的; 未煮熟的。 caveman的复数 为cavemen 穴居人 cook用作及物动词, 意为“烹调,煮, 烧”等。 Now there are many things to help you cook. In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes. 机器人 Zip: Oh, cavemen didn’t cook their meat? Zoom: It’s OK. They didn’t do the dishes either! 洗餐具 Read picture 4-6 and complete the sentences. Before, there were _____. Now, there are _____. many trees and clean rivers before now more and more buildings There were many trees, and there were many clean rivers. Now, there are more and more buildings. 越来越多 We should help the earth now, so birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again. should为情态动词,意为“应该”,其后接动词原形,用于提出建议。 Zip: Look! How beautiful the world was! Oh! What will the birds do? Zoom: Don’t worry. People will help them. how意为“多么”,用于修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分)。 Read picture 7-9 and judge T or F. ( )1. Humans lived on the earth before whales. ( )2. If we change now, Whales and humans will have a bright future. F T Before humans lived on the earth, whales already lived in the sea. Now, there are not many whales. If we change now, whales and humans will have a bright future. Zip: Heal the world! Zoom: Make it a better place! 使恢复正常 We should prot ... ...

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