

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:20886096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020年九年级第一次练兵考试 英语试题 参考答案 2020.05 1-5CACBA 6-8 CBA 9-13CACBA 14-17AACB 18-20BCA 21. nervous 22.confidence 23. with 24. less 25. eight / 8 26-30 CBCAD 31-35 CABBD 36-40 CCADB 41-45 ABDBD 46-50CABED 51. two 52. but 53. horses’ 54. back 55. for 56. teeth 57. people 58. older 59. his 60. it 61. to look 62. are 63. haven’t eaten 64. can do 65. (will/can) have 66. were walking 67. don’t worry 68. will be tied 69. ran 70. to sleep 71. 政府还(或者 “也”)鼓励我们风雨同舟(休戚相关 同舟共济 同甘共苦 同心协力 和衷共济 患难与共 同心同德 守望相助 精诚团结)。(扣分点:没有翻译出 “也、还”-0.5分;风雨同舟 翻译不出来-1分。) 72. 5 / Five. 73. Ask people to write down personal information, take people’s temperature, offer to raise money to hospitals and patients. (任选两项即可) 74. He can have classes online, take exercise to keep healthy, wash hands often, keep his home clean and tidy it as often as he can. (任选三项即可) 75. How to fight against virus/ Some successful experience about fighting against virus(扣分点:翻译不出how to ... -1分,翻译不出successful experience-1分) 书面表达(共1题,计20分) Boys and girls, We have had classes online at home since the virus called“ novel coronavirus” appeared in 2020. People have different thoughts about studying online. Now let me tell you something about it. On the one hand, some students like having classes online a lot and they think it has some advantages. First of all, students can learn knowledge more freely.?They can have lessons on the Internet at any time or at any place. Second, it is easy and convenient to have lessons online. They only need a computer or a mobile phone. Finally, students needn’t go to school, so they will have more enough time to develop their hobbies. Each coin has two sides. On the other hand, some students don’t enjoy having lessons online at all and they think it has some disadvantages. At first, having lessons online is unhealthy. If students spend much time in front of the computer, it is harmful to their eyes. Next, students maybe learn knowledge carelessly. Because they hardly discuss problems with teachers or classmates. At last, they will feel bored or sleepy when they learn something online for a long time. In my opinion, we should make good use of it in our daily life. As a student, we must study hard on our own. When we have classes online , we have to follow the rules and use it in a right way. We will study hard after school opens! OK, that’s all, thank you! 九年级英语 1 / 1短文还原(10分) 2020年第一次练兵九年级英语 考号 学校 姓名 班级 考场: 打7[A[[[[][F 注意事项 49[A[B 四综合填空A(15分) 须在题号对应的答题区域内作答超出答趑区域书写无效 帖条形码区 保持答卷清诗完整。 正确填 缺老柯 综合填空B(15分) 8 1] CIS 6[A][R[11[A[[16[43[R[ ■2[A[B【]7[][][12ABc17[A[c E 3 LA] [B] [C] 8 [A] [B] [(3 13 LA [B] [B][C 9[A]B][14I[ 5[A][B][C]10[A]15团20[4[[C 听力填表(10分 五阅读表达10分) 阅读理解50分) :26A][m31[4mH[m36团41Gt【了D 3[][C][D 28 [m3[A[[m4[A[H[]D lD:74 ... ...

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