
Unit 2 Great minds 第2课时Reading Ⅱ and listening课件33张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:84次 大小:7166400Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module1 Unit 2 Great minds Reading Ⅱ and listening 导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Unit 2 Great minds Reading Ⅱ and listening 学习目标与核心素养 1. 了解名人及其主要贡献。2. 掌握故事的情节构成,并能根据故事情节构成复述故事。3. 能根据材料预测听力内容。4. 感受并了解西方文化的智慧与幽默。 学习重点 能根据材料预测听力内容。 学习难点 掌握故事的情节构成,并能根据故事情节构成复述故事。 【预习案】 阅读21页Strategy 并完成D1。 再读一遍课文,完成D2判断正误,并从故事中找出对应的句子写在下面横线上。 ①_____ ②_____ ③_____④_____ 【列出我的疑惑】 【探究案】 探究点一:再读一遍课文,完成文章结构。 Title:_____ Characters:_____ _____ Setting:Einstein was too _____ to _____the lecture. Hans _____ ____ give it for him. Plot: Hans gave the lecture _____. However, a professor asked a _____ question suddenly. Hans could not _____ it at all. But he was _____enough to ask‘his driver’ Einstein to answer it _____ _____ of him. conclusion:They were both _____. 探究点二:读课文,判断正误。 1. Einstein was a popular lecturer. 2. Hans was tired of driving Einstein. 3. Hans had a very good memory. 4. The audience did not enjoy the lecture given by Hans. 探究点三:根据D1内容,尝试复述课文,并将其写在下面横线上。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 【我的知识网络图】 【训练案】 Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. ———How is the problem? ———I’ve solved it_____. It just took me five minutes. A. in addition B. without difficulty C. at first 2. A(n) _____ is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other things in space. A. Artist B. astronomer C. director 3. ———Jack is_____. He needs our help. ——— What can we do for him? A. in public B. in trouble C. in fun 4. ———I don’t think we can_____ him. ———Yes, he always lies to others. A. protect B. trust C. follow 5. ———Everyone likes Jimmy because he has a great sense of _____. ———Yes,he is a funny guy and always brings joy to us. A. sadness B. achievement C.humour Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 6. 他们是如此坏的男孩儿, 以至于没有人想和他们交朋友。 They are _____bad boys _____ nobody wants to make friends with them. 7. 她的梦想是成为一名科学家。 Her dream is _____ _____a scientist. 8. 与你一起工作是一件很愉快的事情。 It _____ _____ _____ to work with you. 9. 我妈妈告诉我开老人的玩笑是不礼貌的。 My mother tells me that it is impolite to _____ _____ _____ _____ the old. 10. 你在考试中应该避免再犯相同的错误。 You should _____ _____ the same mistake again in the exam. Ⅲ.完形填空 (2019宜宾)One evening, I was cooking the evening meal. When I 11 , I nearly knocked down my daughter behind me. “Move out of the way!” I said 12 . She walked away without words, trying to control her tears. After she left, I noticed some 13 by the door. She bought them for me! I realized that she had stood quietly just to give me a 14 . Later while I lay awake in bed,a voice came to me,“You are polite to a stranger, 15 to the kid you love, you seem not to be patient. ” By this time, I felt 16 and my tears began to ... ...

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