
Unit7 On the farm(第3课时) 课件(25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:85次 大小:4991401Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 On the farm (Sound time,Song time) Tom 你们需要通过两个测试,就可以参观我的农场啦!在每个测试中你都要努力做到最棒哦! 动物 hicken uck d c c ow p ig … 知道农场上的事物 水果 range o p ear a pple … 知道农场上的事物 a pear They’re ... a cow cows . a pig pigs 它们是… It's a /an... a chicken a duck ducks chickens pears The things on the farm They’re ... 它们是… It's a /an... an apples apple an oranges orange The things on the farm Let’s guess! Is this/ that a/an...? Yes,it is./No, it isn't. ? ? Let’s guess! Are these/ those...(s)? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. ? ? Test 2 √ Pigs on the farm go " oink, oink.'' Pigs on the farm go " oink, oink .'' Pigs on the farm go“oink, oink, oink.''↑ The pigs go " oink, oink, oink.''↓ on the farm go " , .'' on the farm go " , .'' on the farm go“ , , .''↑ The go " , , .''↓ Choose one of them and sing. 选择其中的一种小动物,改编歌词唱一唱。 Quack,quack Cheep,cheep Moo,moo Make a new song! Make a new song! on the farm are , . on the farm are , . on the farm are , , . The are , , . Test 2 √ √ / m / Let’s say! Clever(聪明的)Tom from(来自) the farm, Makes ice cream for(为...) his mum. / m / come Let’s say! Come Miss Welcome my family grandma Choose some of them to make a new rhyme according to the picture. 根据图片选择其中的一些单词来编一首新的小诗吧。 milk welcome Miss my family I’m me grandma 你们的表现很棒哦,现在让我们一起去农场吧! Let’s enjoy! Let’s Summary! Talk and write! Tip:先同桌讨论一下再动笔哦! chicken. oranges cow apples Talk and write! Tip:先同桌讨论一下再动笔哦! √ I can talk about things on a farm. 我能谈论农场上的事物。 I can get ___ stars. 你家有个农场,你的小伙伴来参观,你能为他介绍下吗?试着编段小对话。 A: Welcome to my farm. B: How beautiful!/How nice! How lovely! What are these/those? A: They’re…. B: Are these/those….? A: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. They’re… This is for you./ Here you are. B: Thank you.

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