

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:77次 大小:18394629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 闽教版六年级上册 R ev ew Read and say out the Chinese meaning quickly 读一读并快速说出中文。 ring hold glass bring cold class be oring old glasses short woman tooth health shorts women teeth healthy 0 food 01:14 hamburgers) bananas fruits sweet noodles basket kitchen salad grapes dinner menu lunch hot dogs( dumplings) apples fish health eggs oranges luce lion rIce vegetables k cand y kite teeth chicken meat cream 0 clothes 01:01 sweater pair shirt skirt candy slogan catch hat Olympic d T-shirt coat SOCKS jacket exercise shoes Games sports short sports(trousers p shorts boat shoes Task: Work in pairs.(2人小组合作学习) Choose a picture you l ike to say them out 选择一幅你们喜欢的图片按要求说出来。 According to the text and fill in the blanks 按课文填空。 Unit 1 Unit 2 What do you know about the Olympic Games? A: Whos the boy the two women B: A: They take place A: Does he often do high jump? 8 B: Ther rings on the B: No They are Now tell me something about the 29th Olympic Games Wang t to peter A: The Games on 2008 B: The slogan is Some girls for their class team Unit 3 Unit 4 Can I help you? I need a for my I also need for my Girls can wear Kate with you. and oys can only wear A: What do you usually have for lunch?

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